Clean and Beautiful
I am going to a reception full of funders tonight. I’m taking my friend with me. I said we needed to dress up. She asked how.
“You know, clean and beautiful.”
I have to write my paper and the mess in here had totally become thouroughly disgusting, especially with the mouse getting bold. I had to set some boundaries. And there were some flies getting interested, oh it was awful. So I hauled out all the garbage. A mouse had been living in my garbage. Now it’s still a disaster zone, but cluttered more than anything. And I have a lot more energy. I think I was seriously depressed and I didn’t even know it. I mean, I must have been to sleep so much and not clean as well. I forgot how good it feels to clean. So much more room! And now that mouse will go away.
My name used to be Mouse.
I’ve just always loved rodents.
But I hate maggots. And I thank heavens that I didn’t see any on my cleaning spree.
Oooh, but there’s still the fridge.
I’m just glad I’m not a public hazard site anymore. I like my rat, but I got him at a pet store.
Clive’s gettin old, he doesn’t use his back legs as well. I hope he doesn’t pull a Pope and die a long drawn out death. He’s so old. I’m going to have to make a decision sometime this summer I fear.
I got some more clean and beautiful preparations to make.