I caught a mouse today, in a pink plastic cellophane bag from Ruebenesque, a store for fat ladies where my mom bought me a fancy shirt-thingy. It was eating popcorn from Kernels, Double Hit, freaking mouse, I wanted to eat that. It was cowering in the bottom of the bag so I picked it up, went downstairs, and set it free in the alley. It darted across the street, attracting the attention of a bored kitty cat. Last I saw the cat was in hot pursuit under a fence. I doubt very much the mouse lived. It kind of defeated the purpose of setting it free. Oh well.
My graduation ceremony went well, I didn’t do a prat fall on the stage or anything. And I even got to graduate with some of my old art school buddies. That was nice. Sally Potter, the director of Orlando, was there getting a honourary doctorate of letters. Afterwards my mom spotted her leaving and pushed me in her direction so I could tell her how much I liked her work. She was very gracious. I always feel so nervous around famous folks, because they probably face that all the time. Who knows though, I have limited experience with fame. Oprah’s not exactly banging down my door wanting to see what the views of a halfbreed leather dyke video/performance artist are. Not that I mind terribly, I’m shy. I’d probably pee my pants in front of a live studio audience.
They’d think it was some sick NEA funded statement.
So now I officially hold a BFA with a major in Film/Video. I must admit, it’s pretty cool to think my studies are behind me. But at the same time, there’s the challenge to remain a practicing artist while juggling work, and learning how to keep making work without all the support offered in school. It’s strange. And even as that’s closing off to me, there’s also more opportunities, like being able to apply for grants again.