Christopher Ian Cuthand February 18 1986 – June 2 2006
We buried my little cousin on Thursday, out at Little Pine reserve. His death was tragic and sudden, and we are all forever changed.
When we talk about him, we can’t help but laugh because he was such a hilarious guy. He was sort of shy, but had this cheeky sense of humour, everyone loved him instantly. When I lived in Vancouver I would regularily hear Christopher stories, funny things he said or did. I heard about one time when he finally got his lava lamp and freaked out late one night because he thought the blobs made the face of the devil at him. He had a hamster named Mr. T, and he loved making wontons with my mom. He was just this bright happy sunbeam in all of our lives.
It’s been a really hard past week, more so because now we’re just expected to go with the flow again, when we’ve had such intense time together.
He was so young, it really makes you aware of your mortality.
I think what’s really pulling me through is this intense faith I have, something I wouldn’t have gotten, ironically, if I hadn’t gone crazy.
You never really can tell what’s going to come around the corner.