Gender Defenders
“For a while, I thought that it would be fun to call what I do in life gender terrorism. Seemed right at first – I and so many folks like me were terrorizing the structure of gender itself. But I’ve come to see it a bit differently now – gender terrorists are not the drag queens, the butch dykes, the men on rollerskates dressed as nuns. Gender Terrorists are not the female to male transsexual who’s learning to look people in the eye while he walks down the street. Gender terrorists are not the leader daddies or back seat Betties. Gender terrorists are not the married men, shivering in the dark as they slip on their wives panties. Gender terrorists are those who, like Ms. Millot, bang their heads against a gender system which is real and natural and who then use gender to terrorize the rest of us. These are the real terrorists: the Gender Defenders.”
– Kate Bornstein “Gender Outlaw” – 1994