I worked my first midnight to seven shift last night and am still decompressing. I know I need sleep because at 10:30 i’ll have been awake for twenty four hours, which can’t possibly be good. Oh man! Oh yay, I am yawning! Well, what’s new? I am doing relatively well, except for some financial issues which have impacted my life, but that happens all the time. Stupid bills.
I still have not had my major breakthrough with my video. I don’t know why. I need to reinspire myself I think.
I started a love spell! It’s not on a specific person, it’s more a bring someone into my life kinda spell. Unfortunately I did not have the inside scoop on the best place to buy witchy candles, and I needed a pink one, and all I could find was a huge pink candle, which has been burned at regular intervals over the course of two weeks and is still only halfway down. I feel like it should have been a smaller candle. But who knows, maybe I will get bigger love!
I personally like big girls. I’ve dated all sizes of girls, but the bigger ones are just a little more sexy for some reason. I think because when I’m with a big girl I’m seeing a type of sexy naked body that isn’t reflected in the media. So the rarity of it makes it more delicious. I’ve seen skinny naked girls everywhere, but chubby naked girls? Not since the pick a fold and fuck it ladies in the back of dirty mags. And you don’t see the average chubby naked lady represented, it seems to be either skinny or hugely overweight, not those middle grounders.
Plus, I must say, big girls generally have big breasts. I do! And I like ample breasts.
Well, soon I am going over to mum’s where there is no computer! Which means no internet. I have a fun fun day planned of sleeping and eating and waiting for the cuz to call and for us to go for some beers. It IS the weekend after all.