Well, since tuition and fees are due on September 6th and I’m pretty sure everything I am applying for is gonna take longer than that, I think my fellowship is just gonna go straight to tuition. Which kinda sucks. I hope I can get some kind of TA/GA job. Or living allowance. Or something. I’m just hoping that things line up for me. It’s stressing me out.
My gofundme campaign is going well, I’ve got 665 today. Which is a hell of a lot more than I had before. I’m hoping my back gst gets deposited in the next couple of weeks, but I think CRA is gonna drag it’s feet on that. Which also sucks.
UGH! I am so tired! Also I don’t think any artist fees are coming my way. Which is too bad. I don’t know why I am writing, I’m really really tired. I should just go to bed.
GST back pay comes when the computer does its thing. Took way less time than i expexted for mine – I was pleasantly surprised. Once u get the letter saying amount to u should be 10 days?