There are three weeks left of the semester. And I still don’t have my student loan money. Sigh! I called late last week and they said to call again on Monday and find out where in the process they are with my money. Apparently it wasn’t until last Wednesday that they sent a request for confirmation of my enrollment in University. So slow! Why the fuck are student loans so slow??? I HATE IT! 🙁
And then I read somewhere else that it’s 7 business days after they get electronic confirmation from my university. I hope that’s not true. I hope it’s a lot faster! I counted my change and I have nine dollars. And $2.67 in my bank account. And I would like to pay rent, phone bill, pay people back. Sigh.
Posey is being super cute today. She was throwing around her little rawhide chewy, and she threw it on the floor and then Little Mister got it.
Little Mister was happier on our walk today because he didn’t have to walk in the rain. He hates the rain!
I bought dog poop bags that are lavender scented and it is kind of disturbing. I don’t think it’s natural.
I missed chatting with Robin because I was on the bus heading for St. Clair West station and then on to Kensington Market. Too bad! But I got to visit Louis and that was nice.
I should go to sleep I guess. It’s 11:30. I watched the fourth episode of American Horror Story Freak Show and got grossed out by some gory things. I hate gore, but this is the first time I’ve sort of kept up with a television show since I left mom and her cable behind. So I’m gonna stick with it! And maybe watch the other seasons.