Carmilla the Lonely Video Game IS DONE!

I finished making my game! I am giving it to playtesters right now and waiting for feedback. I had to troubleshoot how a Mac user would play it, so that was a whole thing (and I still haven’t heard from my mac friends if they could get it to run!) so we’ll see! Mac computers are suspicious of anything that doesn’t come through their app store, so you have to go through this whole rigamarole to be able to open apps made with things like Unity. But it’s done!

Here is a trailer of the game with some highlights!

I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I’m still not entirely happy with the diner art dec tho, I think I might swap the wallpaper out for something else. But white walls ALSO seems too simple. So I dunno! I really like the street level though and also the dungeon. The last level, the maze in the graveyard, is also pretty cute. I tried to give the timer some leeway so people trying to leave had time to figure out the area, but I might make it harder. I can see some things that could use fixing but also I wanted playtesters to have something to work with so I know more about what to fix.

I’m not sure what to do now! This has been my main creative project for the past several months and now it’s just, almost ready to release to the world! I have stuff to do on it still but I’m not great at marketing plans or anything. If I had more cash maybe I could hire a publicist. But funds are tight right now and I also have to pay CRA a chunk of money on Saturday. I posted this video on all my socials (except Bluesky) so hopefully it gets a bit of traction. I didn’t get a good video of the conversation tho, which kinda sucks because some of that is intriguing. I just clicked through too fast when recording. But yeah it’s done basically! I learned so much on this project, my game development skills really elevated! It’s only my second video game ever. And I already have an idea for my next video game! So I’m definitely going to continue improving on these skills. I was thinking the next game would be more like a series of puzzles to solve, so now I have to work out what that would look like. Also I did a dialogue system in this game, and also wrote that part using Twine so that was also fun.

Also there’s a ton of queer people in this game, so it’s kinda cool that it’s coming out during Pride month. Well it probably won’t get released this month though because I have more to do when I get feedback on it. BUT I would still say it’s birthday is this month! It’s a Gemini ha ha ha.

I will continue to update here about any other releases, like when you can finally buy it!

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