Embarrassing Myself in front of Shania Twain for the Lols

I have been so fucking busy the last few days. Sunday I went to London and finished my PowerPoint for class. Monday I was up at work just after nine working on my video game, taught my class etc., and then I went to the train station. Got home about 10:30pm and I hadn’t been hydrating myself properly so I was super dizzy when I woke up the next morning. And so then Tuesday was kind of a wash, I was just rehydrating and eating properly and recovering from Sunday/Monday. And Wednesday I went to the optometrist and picked new glasses, and then went to the dentist and got my teeth cleaned. No cavities! Then today I had therapy and then Ubered to my top surgeon’s clinic so they could do a revision consult with me. So that got scheduled for December when my class is done the in person stuff. And today I also did a lot more work, I wrote a letter of recommendation, and worked on my PowerPoint for next week’s class, and did a reading and watched some short films to include next week (it’s Taika Waititi next week!). So that was cool. And I drew my first asset for my game, a mace! I need to draw so many things omg and I think I need a new Apple Pencil.

Tomorrow I am helping my friend with top secret film stuff, and also continuing with my PowerPoint and also doing some writing for some applications.

I got a really nice job opportunity sent to my email inbox, and I was debating if I would apply (I’m assuming it starts next fall because it’s a tenure track position and they have to do the whole job search thing this academic year). ALSO it’s in Los Angeles. And I haven’t done my whole pros and cons list yet, but even though I was kind of like “Oh maybe it would be super bro-ey” I finally looked at the program’s webpage and the department seems really progressive and artistic. And looking at their job application stuff, it seems like they are looking for someone like me. Which might be why they emailed me the job advertisement because I know I’m not on their mailing list. Anyway, I hadn’t really thought of moving to Los Angeles, so it’s kind of a long shot for me and not really where I was expecting to go. BUT ALSO it’s really early days and I haven’t even submitted my application yet. AND ALSO it would be nice to have some regular income after this artist-in-residence position wraps up next year.

I talked to my therapist about it today because she and I would have to stop seeing each other if I move, which is hard on me, but also I think if something like this worked out it would be worthwhile to move for the job. It’s weird considering a change this big though. I don’t know. Moving cities/countries is a big deal. Even moving here from Saskatchewan was STRESSFUL and hard. I think I would abandon all my furniture though, I would get rid of a lot of books too. I would try to move as little as possible, because when I came here I brought so much stuff I really didn’t need.

It’s a lot to think about!

I’ve also got another application for a thing I am working on. A lot of work! I am also leading the video production workshop on Saturday for Crushing Colonialism, so that’s something I need to prepare for. I feel like I’m just going to be constantly working for a while now. Which is good in some ways, because it means I am making money. But hard in other ways because I need to carve out moments to rest so I don’t burn out.

I didn’t have time to go to the gym this week so far, which kind of sucks. I’m hoping Saturday I can go. I have so many responsibilities and I take them all seriously, but I did want to keep working on my body because it’s making me happy and relieves stress.

I’m still working on playing my guitar! I know I need to start lessons soon though because I need some direction in what I should be learning. I play every day that I’m home though. My fingertips are starting to get a funny pins and needles sensation because they are building callouses. Which is cool! My friend who plays guitar told me I would notice them in two weeks of playing, and it’s true! I think my baby finger needs work though. But at least three out of four fingers on my left hand are getting good. I need a teacher who will show me proper form though and stuff. I’m such a baby guitarist!

I got an email from a casting director for Canada’s Got Talent who wanted to know if I would audition for the next season and I was like omg what would I do? Nude trans performance art? Also Shania Twain is the judge next year, that don’t impress me much (ha ha it kind of does tho). BUT realistically I can only play one line from Born in the USA and I also learned the opening riff for Eye of the Tiger, but that is so limited and I am not going to scar my psyche by playing my piss poor guitar skills in front of Shania Twain. It would be incredibly funny though, to go and be such a sad beginner. I can’t even sing, or I haven’t tried since my voice changed anyway.

It would be cool if I was a good singer now that my voice changed. It is a sexy voice, maybe it’s a money maker beyond narrating experimental documentaries.

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