New Macbook Pro

My Macbook Pro went to the shop and was toast basically. The things that needed fixing were way too expensive. There was water damage on the logic board from when Todd was smaller and dumped a bottle of water on it. The display was screwed up. And smoking weed indoors ALSO damaged it, which was a big wake up call and now I’m smoking weed outdoors. The great part of that is that I am smoking up a LOT less. Which makes me more productive overall.

My friend lent me some money to get a new Macbook Pro, so I am writing on it now. It’s got less hard drive space than the old one. I am thinking of reformatting my time machine backup and using it as a regular hard drive that has my files on it, because I can’t use the time machine back up on the new Macbook because it’s too small to fit all that stuff. ALSO I don’t need all the old stuff. It’s weird to delete video files though, because I don’t want to destroy that stuff. So if I can put it on a hard drive that works like a regular external hard drive, that would be helpful. I also have 3TB on my Dropbox, so I’ve been putting things there. But really I just got to reformat this time machine and copy stuff over.

Todd went to the vet yesterday so they could look for his missing ball, but it’s way up there. So it’s gonna cost almost 300 dollars just to get that ball out. SO MUCH MONEY when he could have just let it descend like a regular ball. I know it’s not his fault, our bodies do what they please. His baby tooth DID fall out though, finally, like literally the day before he went to the vet. They said he had no more baby teeth and I was honestly shocked because it was there the last time I checked. So that’s 200 dollars I don’t have to spend on it.

I’m relieved I have a new Macbook Pro, although it was SO expensive. But I’m doing a gig that wraps up soon and should pay me enough to pay my friend back. I’m paying her back sooner, so really it will pay me back my living allowance I need as an artist in residence.

My hookups are dwindling this week because I have too much work to catch up on to be able to meet up with people. I used to love having sex with randos, but honestly I have no time for anything like that right now. It seems silly to choose work over sex, but looks like that’s what I have to do for a while. Someone was messaging me A LOT and I kind of had to put a stop to it. Which I feel bad about but also I was not planning to have that involved of an ongoing thing with him. I’m very popular on Grindr ha ha but it’s also a silly place and I can’t keep up with it at the moment. And the people who KEEP messaging when I’m busy are so annoying. If they bought me dinner maybe I would care, but for a hookup? No I don’t need to respond to you this instant. I’m WORKING I gotta feed myself and my dogs. Guys are so pushy.

I did manage to do my marking this week though, so that was good. And it was reading week which was a nice break, but Monday it’s back to work. Monday will be hard because I am leaving here at 5am instead of staying overnight on Sunday. I have a concert to go to on Sunday. It’s Cyndi Lauper! Her farewell tour! I have been a fan since the 80’s and I need to see her before she or I dies. Lol so yeah, I couldn’t give my tickets away. I wanted to go for sure.

BUT I am looking forward to the business class ticket on the way back Monday evening. I get to eat something lovely.

I went to a gala for ImagineNATIVE yesterday, but my lump of roast beef was mostly fat which was kind of hilarious. I never saw so much fat in a piece of roast beef! It was a blob ha ha. I got to sit next to someone who told me some funny stories about the celebrities she worked with. I had to leave early to go see a movie, which turned out to be terrible. But it was a nice Friday night. Tonight I’m just staying home to work on my PowerPoint for class on Monday. We watched Beans! So I get to talk about OKA. I think most students I have weren’t alive when it happened. My experience of OKA was just watching it on the news being horrified. I have an uncle who was one of the warriors there. He came into our family after OKA and is my cousins dad. I really admire the people who were there. It was a big moment in my life, seeing my people fight for our rights. ALSO what I love about Beans is that it was the first time I saw Indigenous Girlhood being represented in a film. OH I mean except for Whale Rider, but she was Maori. I haven’t seen Whale Rider in a long time.

Hard to believe my class is halfway done! I could talk about Indigenous Cinema forever, there are so many other good films I didn’t have time to squeeze in.

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