It’s the end of the semester! I just have an exam to do with my students and then mark it and then I can put all my last marks in. Also participation marks.
ANYWAY that’s school stuff. I have to get all the marks in for the 19th because my revision is the 20th.
And then I will be on holidays for a while which will be nice, but really I will just be healing.
I ordered a Dutch Baby pancake kit, even tho I’m not supposed to lift heavy things. Ahhh I should see how heavy a cast iron pan is, maybe it’s under the limit.
I went to guitar class today, which was good! He’s getting me to memorize the fretboard, and showed me how to tell which is what and where on the E string. So that’s a thing, he’s going to start quizzing me on where a note is. So I gotta practice! I also am starting to get better at changing chords. He showed me how to hold a G chord like a C chord which should be able to let me change chords easier in this song. I’m going from C to D/F# to Am to G to D/F# to C to Am to G. So complicated and the D/F# was throwing me off. But it’s starting to gel! I need to be able to change a chord between an upstrum and a downstrum tho, so not a lot of time. He gave me a sheet with the lyrics for one verse with the chords on them, and we worked on using a metronome and getting the tempo. So I will be practicing that. There’s only two more classes for this term! I am going to take more lessons with him in the winter term too. I really wanted to learn this song and I didn’t realize how COMPLICATED it was, but the good part of that is that I had to learn a lot of different techniques and things. So in a way it was good that it was such an ambitious song. I think I’m going to do a Metric song after I learn this one, I really want to learn Help I’m Alive.
I got turned down by a festival I submitted to, but it was a long shot anyway. So that’s fine. I’m kind of too experimental for that festival I think, which is a reason I’ve never bothered submitting before. I’m showing that film tomorrow at aabaakwad though at Innis Town Hall at 2pm so if you want to see it please come! It’s free! It’s Dreams of Sunlight Through Trees, the one about me transitioning. So it will be the first time I see it in front of an audience. It showed at the Melbourne Queer Film Festival, but I was teaching so I couldn’t go.
Todd is still in his cone. He’s fine, healing went great, tomorrow after my gig I have to run him to the vet to see if he is allowed to take his cone off. There was only ONE time he licked himself because he pulled his cone off, but otherwise he has been great. Such a sweetie! We will all be happy when it’s off though, it’s hard to cuddle him when he’s got a big bucket on his head.
Ahhh I went off and did marking and now I gotta go to bed so I can go do work tomorrow afternoon showing my video and talking!
So goodnight!