Busy week! Opening tomorrow! Playing Guitar! Yay!

I played guitar for my therapist the other day which was super fun. And then just kind of held it and did random chords while talking about my problems. It was such a different way to do the therapy session, I kind of liked it. And not many people have seen me play guitar yet, just my instructors and my cousin and now her. It was kind of confidence boosting to do it in front of someone instead of all alone. I saw a substitute guitar instructor afterwards and he was telling me to record myself playing and post it on socials to get over being shy about playing. He also gave me a fun finger exercise that I think I am going to record and put online.

I have this mic set up but my only camera set up is the phone. I mean, I DO have a real DSLR camera but it has so many steps to making a video and I’m really just wanting to film a quick and dirty guitar practice. I have my computer web cam too I guess, but I don’t find the aesthetic appealing.

ANYWAY I did record it and it is on my Instagram if you are so inclined to look at it @poptartboyfriend

I am doing well. My first Canadian solo show opens Saturday Jan 18 at Doris McCarthy Gallery, opening is from 2pm to 4pm. It is curated by Wanda Nanibush and has 13 monitors and two projectors and many places for sitting. ALSO there’s some technology I used to use in filming in the gallery and some gas masks in the vitrines along with a shirt I wore in one video and a lot of stills from my videos. I wanted my therapist to come see it while it’s up but there’s some nakedness in it, so I made her a map with red lines in the spots where my videos have nudity and green lines where there is none. I’m honestly not sure she will be able to go because there really are tits out in the main gallery and they are hard to ignore.

I have so many boobs in my videos. And now they’re gone and my chest is different. Am I gonna have to make a bunch of new bare chested videos to make up for it?

Speaking of chests, I’ve started doing scar care for my revision, since it’s very healed now. I think it will be fine. I haven’t examined it very much recently though, I’ve been so busy with the new class and other work things. This week I went to the gallery twice for install and also had to do coding of a game in advance so I can teach it to my students on Monday. I’m worried the code is too hard, mostly just because it is lengthy. It is hard but also a lot of coding is copy pasting to be honest. BUT ALSO there’s general things they can learn from each new code. I don’t know, this is my first time doing this class. Anyway, I did figure out the coding for next week and I think I’m going to push off one of them until we do the audio week anyway. I usually teach it sooner, but I just didn’t get to it last class.

I have been enjoying my life I guess, regardless of the state of the world. My therapist said I was very expansive right now and that it was good I was doing things that were making me happy because that’s all I can really control.

I also slipped leaving my therapists office and hurt my tailbone. But I think my guitar saved me, because I was wearing it in it’s gig bag on my back and it made me sit down instead of hitting my spine on a step. So yeah my tailbone is bruised but it could have been worse! And it wasn’t my head. And my guitar is fine. I am fairly certain I didn’t break my tailbone though because I HAVE done that before and it was extremely painful and agonizing. And this does hurt, but not as bad and not as much. I took my last Tramadol from top surgery last night and had a lovely sleep and then it’s been Tylenol today.

I’m so exhausted. Yesterday I was super tired and today has been a bit more laid back. Because tomorrow is my opening and Sunday I go to London and Monday I have class! And then come back to Toronto. Busy three days in a row.

My mic stopped picking up Classical FM. It was a combo of putting ferrite cores on the cable and also hitting the PAD button on the mixer. I’m not sure yet which part is what stopped it from picking up that radio station. But I’m glad I can record using my computer now. I also got yet another xlr cable from Long and McQuade today and some new guitar picks. I’m trying to figure out what my fave pick is and I’m not sure yet, but I tried these cat tooth picks today and they are NICE. They are not slippery at all because they have a grip on them. Anyway, trying all kinds of things! I’m just in a process of learning.

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