Hi hi hi!
I’m so bad at promoting everywhere. My solo show at Doris McCarthy Gallery at University of Toronto-Scarborough campus is up! Go see some videos, gas masks, old cameras, an installation, one of my shirts I wore in a video, and the Evil Queen I used in Just Dandy! (Kind of, the original Evil Queen got chewed up by Posey, this is Evil Queen the Second. Who came from Italy by way of the Netherlands I guess ha ha, via Ebay.)
Wanda Nanibush curated this amazing show and wrote an essay for it that you can read here. She’s been great to work with! I so appreciate the care and attention she gave to me and my work.
I did a tour for a class on Tuesday and yesterday I did an Artist Talk. And on Feb 13th at 2-3pm EST my Mom and I are having a conversation on Zoom about our video Neurotransmitting which is in the show. And also the last day of the show is March 29th, when Wanda and I are having a conversation kind of at the gallery (across the hall) so you could come to that too! I believe it is at 2pm.
I’m not gonna mess up this post with any other life blab, except maybe that my tailbone is slowly healing but still not 100%. Maybe 70%. More like 60% actually ha ha. I guess also we’re socially going to hell in a hand basket right now, but I try to hang on to the things that make me happy. Like my guitar, and my art practice, and friends and family.
ALSO my new video Dreams of Sunlight Through Trees is at the exhibition so you can go see it!
ALSO there is a Queer Zine Making workshop with Heather Riley on March 1 from 1-3pm. So you can go to that too if you want to make a zine!
I will probably post again about this specific information in the not to distant future because I write here so much and things go way down the feed.