Category Archives: News

Germans and their Cougar Labia

I’ve been trying to get shit done. Getter done! I just finished my audio for my super 8 film and emailed it to the festival that currently has the reel for it. I hope it works out. We will see. I also sent off a question to the sales support folks at my webhost. I didn’t get an invoice for another year of service and so I don’t know if they will cut me off in a couple days or if they are letting me have another year without paying. I don’t know! I also have to sort out this trip to Germany and this trip to Australia because suddenly the dates are really close and I think it’s a little fucked up because I can’t be two places at once. I really need to spend the whole month in Hamburg and when I made plans for the residency it was when I thought the trip to Australia was in April. Now it’s at the same time. SHIT! Something has to change!

So that’s up. And I also have to do some work related things like continue to work on my website for my company and get these business cards to the printer and then drop off the finished cards at various places about town. I also have to get my laptop and blah de blah, download the new Final Cut Pro which EVERYBODY hates because it’s so different. But Avid Media Composer costs about as much as the laptop, which is WAY out of my current price range.

Sigh. WEIRD! I feel stoned and I haven’t smoked up! Maybe it’s residual THC in my body coming out to say hello. I talked with someone this weekend who has abstained for almost a year and she said you feel stoned every so often when it is breaking down in your body, cause it is stored in fat. Weird!

I didn’t smoke up all weekend. I haven’t smoked up since I quit on Wednesday. I’m feeling fairly determined to really hold onto my sobriety. I’m still drinking, probably indulged too much this weekend. But I didn’t drink today and I won’t for a few days. I’m feeling positive about the whole letting go of weed thing. It’s taken me a long time to get to this feeling. I’m liking the clearness I have and the energy and the getting things done stuff. I am not missing it yet. I was going to be clean for a minimum of six weeks, but after talking to someone this weekend I am thinking maybe a year clean would let me understand more fully what life without it could be like. Saying I will quit forever scares me a little, not as much as it used to but I don’t want to say forever just yet. Even in the 12 step programs they tell you to concentrate on being sober today and not worrying about the future.

I went to Regina this weekend for my Dad’s opening and the Queer City Performatorium. Queer Performance Art! I really liked all the artwork I engaged with this weekend, and I liked seeing people I don’t get to see often. I even liked the bus ride down there and back, I just listened to my tunes and looked out the window at the world going by.

It was pretty awesome. And I ended up only passing by people smoking up once, and didn’t feel like I should linger and get a puff. I didn’t really care.

I haven’t smoked a cigarette for six weeks and five days! 😀 This is really exciting, almost three weeks longer than my last quit. Not as long as the six months I once did without smoking, but pretty good. It feels real now, like I can really do it and am doing it and will never smoke another cigarette again! And my self esteem is so much better. SO MUCH BETTER! I feel like I am not being so stupid as to put myself at risk of dying painfully and slowly.

I go to see my psych nurse on Tuesday. I know she’ll be happy to hear about my quitting weed, she’s been fussing about my using for years. And now I won’t have to hear about how I have to quit, which is good. She can nag pretty good. And my Mom is way happier that I am not using. She will probably find other things to pick at me about, but there is one less thing to fuss about.

And I am also happy that I don’t have to go outside in the terrible cold and feel embarrassed that I am spreading a skunky smell all over the neighborhood.

I hope my cheque comes tomorrow. I really want to get my laptop. I would be so relieved to have a functioning computer that is all mine.

So life is good. I am good. I am getting clean and letting my psyche be healed by the passage of time. I am still curious about getting to an online Marijuana Anonymous meeting, but the timing hasn’t worked out yet, and I couldn’t do it while I was in Regina.

I want to get the workbook for the secular sobriety folks, I think I would feel more comfortable working out my issues with that. I know I have to make some other changes to my life because using for 14 years has impacted how I think and behave I am sure. I can stop being sneaky, which is nice, cause I hate being sneaky even though I know all the spots in Saskatoon and Vancouver where you can smoke up and not get caught. I don’t have to worry about getting into legal trouble, which is nice. Although if people snoop around on me before hiring me and find out I used to smoke drugs, they might be less inclined to give me a job. But would I want to work for that kind of an asshole anyway? I don’t think so. And there are lots of other reasons people wouldn’t hire me, like being a queer native woman with a bachelors degree. And having pink hair currently.

Sigh. I did find out someone will give me some work when they have funding. But who knows when that will be.

I didn’t exercise all weekend. I missed it. I really want to get to the field house tomorrow and hop on the elliptical.

Someone found my blog by googling Cougar Labia. Someone from Germany. Ha ha ha!

Can a book do that?

I was looking for a book in the library on quitting smoking and then when I didn’t find one I wanted to read I started looking in the section on recovery from addiction. I found this book called Clean: a new generation in recovery speaks out written by Chris Beckman from the Real World. I looked at it a bit more in the car and felt like maybe I was too old for it since it was geared towards youth in recovery. But as I read it doing my silly loop around on the bus it started making me think about poor decisions I had made while stoned and being in pursuit of highs, decisions that lead me to lose a really good job and a cheap place to live. And as I read about all this crazy shit Chris had been through during his using years, I realized I was not that different really, my using was not special or safe because it was mostly marijuana. I still put myself in dodgy situations and screwed up certain parts of my life, like being so stoned I didn’t care to clean my house or myself or do work or make art even, something I had been so passionate about during art school and even high school.

So I read the whole book cover to cover in a few hours. It wasn’t a long book, but it was still a lot of information to digest. I found myself being irritated by all the mistakes he and other people in the book had made, and then it made me irritated with myself.

The last time I used was yesterday at noon. I didn’t really mean to quit yesterday, I just got tired of what little I had left and didn’t bother to keep smoking it. I HAVE meant to quit smoking since before new years, since years before then even. It was on my list, to do my six sober weeks and then decide what to do about it after doing that. Like if I should go back to it or not.

It’s time to do my six sober weeks. I am going to keep drinking, for now, because I don’t feel as compelled to drink as I do to smoke. But I am going to try really hard to abstain from that thing I love that has fucked up my life.

I don’t like NA, but I did find the online Marijuana Anonymous meeting schedule and wandered into a chat room where I got some informal support. Which helped. I felt shy and sheepish, so I didn’t stay long.

I worked out tonight on the treadmill because I hear exercise is really good when detoxing, since marijuana is fat soluble and so burning off some fat is just good to get it out of your system. Also I drank a whole pot of chamomile tea to relax myself. I got that a while ago because I know I am going to get SUPER BITCHY and generally unpleasant to be around for a while. It could be weeks. I am not looking forward to it. But smoking up just to put off the inevitable irritability isn’t going to work. It will just keep me in the hamster wheel of marijuana addiction.

I think marijuana should be legalized. I think there are people who can use it responsibly. I just don’t think I am one of those people.

It’s been 33 hours since I have smoked up. I am going to try to hold on to that. I’m going away for the weekend and I know I will be around someone who may smoke up a bit while I am with them. That makes me a nervous. I should really just tell him straight up that I am trying to stay clean. He would respect that I think.

Wow. A book on becoming sober might have helped me become sober. The library, is there anything it can’t do?

Tired of this shit

I’m really frustrated with Canada these days. I’m sick of colonization, I am just so FUCKING SICK of being a colonized person. My land is being desecrated by some assholes in parliament who want to further colonize us through evangelical values being imposed on the population. It sucks. I don’t want Steven Harper in my country, I think all of us Natives should just run him out on a rail. He should be banished to America!

And our rights are getting eroded away. He just annulled all of the same sex marriages of foreigners who have been using their Canadian marriage licenses to secure equal rights as spouses in their countries. What an asshole thing to do.

That reminds me of a great plan I have to make asshole stickers and put them on the back ends of cars that park badly. Like those big shiny trucks that straddle two parking stalls so that they won’t get scratched. I always want to key them, but I think I would get into less trouble if I put an asshole on their rear end. I would make them look like Vonnegut’s asshole from Breakfast of Champions, a little cartoon asterisk.

I should put an asshole sticker on Steven Harper’s car. Someone get me a grant so I can go to Ottawa and do it!

I’m tired of being oppressed. That’s all it is. I’m tired of the level of racism in Canada towards Indigenous people. I’m tired of the fact that over 600 aboriginal women have gone missing or been murdered and nobody else cares. I’m tired of the police state our country is becoming. I’m tired of being involved in dodgy wars with questionable aims. I’m tired of people here resigning themselves to waiting around until 1215 instead of actually DOING something. I’m tired of worrying if I will ever really be able to be married or if the world is going to go backwards and I will lose my chance because some dickwad defined marriage as being between one man and one woman.

We need proportional representation. I’m sick of the way our democracy is corrupt to the core, yet we act like we’re some forward thinking nation compared to the rest of the world.

So yeah. I guess it’s time to make more activist art again. I don’t know what else to do, I’m an artist, and art can be useful in times like this. Just think of Act Up and Gran Fury bringing the AIDS epidemic to the public discourse. It’s a hopeful way of looking at the world. I don’t know that I can change the direction the country is headed, but I can try.

Money is the root of all poopy stuff!

I am waiting for $1000 for living allowance for January from Saskatoon Tribal Council and it is already the 11th. Apparently my cheque was ready on Monday, but then someone locked it up and got sick and went home with the key and won’t return phone calls. So my cheque is locked up until this person gets better. SHITTY! I am so broke! And I hate being broke. It’s been a pissy month with lots of borrowing money and that sucks too because I am made to feel so badly about it. And I can’t do anything about it because I certainly don’t have the key to the cabinet that holds my cheque.

The only thing I don’t understand is that it was ready Monday but when I went on Monday I was told it wasn’t ready and to come back the next day. And by the next day it was locked up and Ms. Lady was sick.

Sigh! I have shit that needs doing! I hate having people toy with me over money. I suppose I should just get used to it if I am running a business. People are assholes!


I am still exercising! I went to the field house yesterday and did a bunch of exercising and even did the elliptical for five more minutes than the last time, and it wasn’t as hard this time! I thought I had more muscley bits in my tummy but Laurel said a few days of exercise wouldn’t make that much of a difference so fast. But I am starting to feel a little stronger, even though it is probably a miniscule difference.

I knitted a bunch today. It was good, I am almost halfway done my scarf! 😀

I also booked an appointment with my psychic. It’s time for me to find out more! I need to know about a few things, like my future romantic life and my current business I am trying to get off the ground. Last time I saw her I was also looking for direction and it really helped. I am hoping I will get some direction again. It’s been five years! That’s enough time between readings. The last time I went she told me about many things that ended up happening. She didn’t tell me about my oncoming major manic episode, but she did tell me about a break up that was pretty much directly related to that episode. She also told me about being rejected for some film thing I applied to. She said “I don’t want to say it’s fixed, but you won’t get it.” Which I didn’t.

She did tell me in the long term I would live a comfortable life and that I would go far. But I need more confirmation, because so far it has been me being broke living with my Mom.

Plus I really need to know some personal stuff. Which I will hopefully find out.

I’ve still got to sit down and write out some goals I want to reach in setting up my business. Right now I am focused on marketing issues, like getting my website and business cards done. But I have to write reports to my funders WHO STILL HAVEN’T GIVEN ME MY CHEQUE so I need to have more concrete things to report about my business advancing.

I don’t even know if I should be living with my Mom, but Mister the dog needs a backyard to be a happy boy and barks too much for an apartment anyway. And I can’t afford a house on my own. Maybe when I get a girlfriend I can. Sigh. Living with Mom, such a frowned upon living arrangement.

Good News!

I just got some good news today. I saw the postperson leaving and went to get the mail and found two slim envelopes, one addressed to my Mum and the other one addressed to me, from the Sask Arts Board. Mum and I opened them up and we both got our grants!

This means two major things:

I can go to Germany to do my residency.

I can get a new laptop.

The residency is a ways off yet, but as soon as I get my cheque I am going and getting myself a new computer. My computer is from 2003 when I got a grant to write a screenplay. I am getting a 15 inch Macbook Pro. And some software. It will be a big relief to have a functioning computer, since as you can imagine, my computer is really obsolete. You can’t even put new software on it anymore because it doesn’t have intel. And the caps lock was always getting stuck. And the search function wouldn’t work. It is a shitty computer. It was fast and shiny and amazing in it’s day.

It’s almost ten years old! I have an ancient piece of technology!

I am finishing up writing the monologue for my film Sight. It’s simple. I am going to record tomorrow.

I got myself a backpack in anticipation of my new computer, a backpack especially for computers with a snug little pouch inside that will fit my computer exactly! I’ve also decided it is finally time to sign a cell contract and get an iPhone. I promised myself as soon as I got enough money to pay for it with a three year contract, I would get one. And now is the time! Well, in a few days. Because I had to mail back a form with my social insurance number on it so they could process it.

I am a Canadian. I say process Pro-cess. Not Prawcess. Which is American in the extreme.

Anyway, the cheque will be mailed sometime this week. I really hope I get it on Friday.

Then I could sit in my room all weekend playing with my iPhone and my lappy.

I got my hair cut today. I am trying to keep on top of my hair better by getting it cut more regularly. And refreshing the dye. I think I’m okay for a bit though. And I am taking my coat to get dry cleaned, because it’s really dirty. In the meantime I am wearing my ridiculous green coat.

And I went to deep water aquasize tonight! Mum got a leisure card today so we went with my friend Laurel. It’s nice doing all these different things to exercise. I am liking the feeling I get after exercising, I am going to continue.

I got a book on Transcendental Meditation at the Library, but they aren’t going to tell me how to do it, just how well it works. It’s disappointing.


On Friday night my friend took me to the Saskatoon Field house where we worked out. I did the elliptical for the first time ever for ten minutes and wore myself out, then we biked for fifteen minutes and walked on the treadmill for fifteen minutes and then did a mile on the track. It was really fun. I think I need more gym buddies. I can use all the leisure centres in Saskatoon until October. It has such potential, having a leisure card that I got because I was on welfare. But it’s been under utilized.

I hear exercise is really good when detoxing from that thing I love. It’s something to keep in mind. Today I went to use the treadmill, but the magnet that is supposed to be the emergency stop went missing so I got mum’s beading needle magnet on a little telescoping stick and taped it to the treadmill. It worked. Then mum found the real magnet, but I didn’t want to interrupt my stats on the treadmill just to change magnets.

It made me sweat, which surprised me. I was so sweaty! Mum is thinking of asking her friend to trade the treadmill for an elliptical. That would be sweet too, although I feel afraid of doing 30 minutes on an elliptical.

I’m not exercising with a goal to lose weight though, I just want to have better muscles and more strength. I don’t care if some extra padding hangs around.

The roommate situation has calmed down for now, so I am glad about that.

And I am still not smoking. It has been 4 weeks, 5 days, 6 hours and 29 mins.
And I have saved: 121.37 Dollars by NOT smoking 399 cigarettes! I was even working in close proximity with a smoker on Saturday and I didn’t feel like I wanted one at all. It was good. I am making some major changes in my life finally. It’s like I have obsessed over being better about exercise and quitting smoking and other things for years and finally they are starting to happen. Good things could be around the corner!

I read about warm or room temperature lemon water being good for you, so I tried it. Lemons are kind of expensive though, 1.25 a lemon! That’s not right!

I confess though, I didn’t eat my beans at supper. I didn’t even put them on my plate. I should have. Maybe I can eat a fruit to make up for it.

I’m in the middle of making my Super 8 film for the 8 fest. I am trying to get it done for Tuesday so I can slip it in the mail. My friend Shavonne and I coloured all over my Super 8 with twelve different sharpies. So now there is just the soundtrack to do. I’m a little bit blocked, but I can see it starting to come together.

I only have the next two years of my life planned out. I think I want to come up with a five year plan. The last time I had a five year plan was when I got out of high school. Now if someone asked me where I saw myself in five years, I wouldn’t know.

It would be easier to make a five year plan if I knew if I was going to be single or not. I’m not really sure. Anyone could happen. I wish I could go see my psychic and get some kind of timeframe for how long I will have to wait before I get into a real relationship. I just really want to finally be able to change my relationship status, because even though there was a steady stream of hotties I had crushes on, there was never any established relationships for the whole time I have had facebook.

I used to hide my single status, just to have some mystery about the whole thing, but it wasn’t as exciting as being able to put Thirza Cuthand is in a relationship with Betty Bear or whoever.

There probably is a Betty Bear who’s going to kick my ass for using her name. I should have used Mary Jane Doe.

I’m getting close to being mostly sober. I think I can do it. I just have to get a good support network. And not NA because they swear too much. I’m scared. I don’t know who I will be without it. It could be good. I won’t know unless I try. And I can still drink alcohol. For now. Last night I had one beer all night and didn’t care. If I just had to quit drinking, I would have an easy time.

I think that my addiction requires elements of substance abuse recovery and basic smoking cessation techniques. I dunno. I have to do more research.

But at the same time, I don’t want to change everything all at once.

The high from exercising is really nice. Maybe I should change my interests from substances getting me high to more natural highs. Like exercise and meditation. What else gets you high? OH RIGHT! Sex! I could give up pot for sex, that would be easy!

Echoes in my Heart

Beatrix ISN’T being given away ASAP anymore. Now we are giving her a month to calm down and stop peeing on clothes and in the laundry basket and stuff. I hope she does calm down, because she is pretty sweet. And she’s a manx, so she has a little stump tail and that is really cute. People always ask me what happened to her, like she had her tail chopped off or something. I call her Stumpy sometimes. Deanna thinks she is self conscious of not having a longer tail, but I don’t think she cares.

Tomorrow will be FOUR WEEKS of not smoking! I’ve got to keep going! I am so close! I just have to keep not puffing and not hanging around people who are smoking cigarettes. I can do it! And after that I’ll finish off my first official month as a non-smoker. I really want to stay smober. I’m feeling so much better physically and mentally as a result of not smoking. My self esteem is even better. Like I have found a strength I can nurture.

I am wrestling with emotions about various women in my life, as in romantic interests and past romantic interests. One old crush is kind of pissing me off. Mostly just because I think she likes having lots of people like her but not really being serious. Like toying with people’s emotions. And I got over my crush a long time ago and didn’t care very much, but now I am just feeling irritated.

And then just when I thought I was getting over someone else she was actually being sort of sweet and it made me melt a bit and I am back where I was liking someone who doesn’t want to be with me. BUT I know we would be so good together! I feel like we would just make sense being with each other. And I’ve never had such good sexual chemistry with anyone else before. And even the kisses were the all time best kisses of my life EVER and I’ve kissed a lot of people, some of whom were much older with much more experience kissing. But these were just dreamy kisses. Oh man. The kind of kisses where you don’t want them to ever end, where your lips linger on each others at the end like neither person really wants to stop.

It would totally change my life if she gave me another chance. But I think she is through with me. I did meet someone who seemed like the kind of person I could settle down with, but she’s not really a possibility even though we had our moments of bliss. I know even if I didn’t get back together with the One I want to be The One, I would eventually find another One. It wouldn’t be the same though, at all. I have these really sweet submissive feelings about that One and I’ve never felt them with anyone else before. I’m usually more on the masochistic side than the submissive side. The two don’t always go together. But in this case they are both there. Sigh, and then the memory of those kisses still echoes in my heart.

Plus she was really fun to talk to, she was so smart and knew about all kinds of things and you could have a conversation with her about anything. And sometimes she seemed so deadly serious so it was fun to make her laugh about something.

Plus I gave her my virginity when we were teenagers. And for a while I thought it was a mistake, because she didn’t want to be my girlfriend and my first girlfriend was actually someone else. And we lost touch and all kinds of things happened to me and because of me and then I found her one day after I moved back to my hometown. And not through facebook either, or classmates, just from google! And we were close for a while until it all went to hell because I got sick. And then we might have been close again except I blacked out some of the time when I was crazy and I didn’t remember what I changed my password for my email to, nor did I remember the answer to my security question, for something like three years! And she had sent an email wondering how I was. But I didn’t get it for a really long time.

It’s kind of a tragic story really. They say bipolar disorder destroys relationships pretty frequently. It makes me worry. After I got diagnosed it took me a really long time to find someone I liked who wanted to be intimate with me, and I think part of that had to do with stigma. Then when I did have someone sweet, I acted out because I was out of control because I went off my meds.

And falling in love is actually super stressful, even if it is the second time you have fallen in love with that person.

I blame my psychic. I wouldn’t have this problem except for a cryptic thing she said. She saw what was going to happen when I went crazy and we broke up or whatever, and it made her go “WOAH! That is a messy breakup!” And then she said “Oh! You could make a go of it. But you will always be suspicious.” And I immediately thought, suspicious of what? But now I don’t even care if I am suspicious of something, I just keep thinking about that glimmer of possibility that the spirits she was consulting with alluded to. Could we? It’s haunted me ever since, because of all the women I have ever loved, there was only one I actually seriously wanted to marry.

I’ve never lived with a lover. I don’t know what it is like being with my beloved on a daily basis. Trying to negotiate how to keep a home. I just never dated someone I felt that sure about I guess.

I still have this three year plan in my head. It goes like this. Year One: Dating. Year Two: Living together. Year Three: Getting engaged and getting married at the end of the year. I feel like I don’t want to rush into anything. Maybe I would rush anyway. But I don’t know, going through all those stages of a relationship is important I think. How will you know you want to marry someone if you don’t live with them first? How will you know you want to live with someone if you don’t spend at least a year just on dates?

So I don’t know who I will get to do the three year plan with. But the other thing my psychic said is I would get together with someone I would be with for the rest of my life.

And that’s all I have ever really wanted. I’ve always been looking for a forever with somebody. I am going to turn 34 in April. I feel like I am finally ready for it to happen.

A New Beginning: 2012

All beginnings are new actually, so it’s kind of a redundant title. But I wanted to open with something that sounds inspiring.

I didn’t have a cigarette this New Years Eve, even though I was at a bar and could have just walked out and bought one from someone standing outside in the cold with fifty cents. BUT NO! I used my money for drinks and some other stuff and I had a good time, I didn’t even really think about cigarettes until someone asked me if I was going to smoke. I said no. Because I don’t even really WANT to smoke. It grosses me out. And I read this quit smoking quote that went something like “If I smoke I will be back where I started, and where I started was wanting to be where I am now.” It’s true. I hated smoking. I just wanted to give it up. And I did give it up over and over and over. I just kept going back to it, it would start with thinking one puff wouldn’t hurt and I could go back to my quit. But I didn’t go back to my quit after that puff, it lead to another puff, and another, until I was at the store buying cigarettes again because everyone was annoyed with me bumming theirs. Bad bad bad!

Ironically, I was going to cap off the year by puffing on that thing I love that isn’t tobacco, but nobody had any last night! :O It was shocking! I was going to puff away and then try six sober weeks. But there was nothing to be had. Sooooo, I dunno. Should I just go straight into my six sober weeks, or should I get some stuff and have a last hurrah? I get paid tomorrow, and I have to see The Dude anyway to pay him back some money. It would make sense to get some. But maybe I am just making excuses. My brain is trying to come up with any flimsy reason to buy more. Flim flam!

This week we start using our leisure cards. I am going to fork out the thirty bucks to get acquainted with the gym equipment. I want some muscle definition in my arms. I don’t care about a flat tummy or even losing weight, I just want to know I will have stamina when I am finally having sex again. Some girls take a really long time to climax and it sucks to have your arm give out when they are on the verge. I suppose by this logic I should also be licking a lot of ice cream cones. What the hell can you do to exercise your tongue? Tongue twisters? I dunno. Ululating?


Kissing would be good tongue exercise, but I have no one to kiss, so that’s out.

And yet because I quit smoking, I am so much more kissable! 😀 I would actually taste nice, not like a divine ashtray.

I have to get serious about my business. BLAH! I don’t even feel like writing about all the things I have to do regarding that. But I should make myself a plan for the next six months of what I am going to do.

This week we will HOPEFULLY find out about the grants we applied for, Mum applied for a grant to make some new work and go to a bead store in Washington (the state), and I applied to do a video about being butch and also do the editing in Hamburg at a residency. So I don’t know what will happen, I hope I get it. I’ve been feeling very discouraged about grants these days. The last two years I have only gotten travel grants. Also I am thinking about getting started on writing a production grant application, which will be due April 1st in the Aboriginal Section. I’m nervous about that too, because you can only apply with a project twice and then that project is killed if you don’t get your grant. Which is what happened to my Mars video, which is sad because I thought it was a really good idea and would have advanced my career a lot.

Sometimes I feel so misunderstood.

I’m interested in telling stories about queer folks that are about larger topics and just happen to have queer characters in them. Like Bunnyhug is a queer film but it’s really about going crazy. That kind of thing.

I have to call PAVED Arts on Tuesday and rent some equipment, but they don’t have a list of their mobile equipment on their website anymore, which is problematic!

Automatic problematic.

There is a small child here and both the other adults who look after him are sleeping. So I am stuck being a child wrangler. I’m not doing a very good job of it either, right now he is turning the water on and off.

I moved my bedroom upstairs on Friday. I am liking it so far, but I dislike that I can’t shut the door or the dogs and cat freak out in the middle of the night and paw at it and scratch it, and it doesn’t matter if they are in or out of the room, they paw at it either way.

I did come to a major decision though. Beatrix Kitty has started peeing on everything, so I am going to let her go to a different home. If she keeps peeing on their stuff, then I am going to suggest she move to the country and be a barn cat. It sucks, because she is a really sweet kitty, but I can’t stand it when cats pee on my stuff. It’s a dealbreaker for me.

Anyway, three dogs is enough, we don’t need a cat too.

Oooh! I gotta go! Cripes! Maybe I will write more laterz!

The Futility of Desire, or; the Phantom of the Oprah

I have had an unprecedented amount of unrequited crushes in my life. It kind of sucks! I don’t know what’s wrong with me that I keep picking such unattainable women to fall for. I often wonder if it’s because subconsciously I don’t feel deserving of a mutually loving relationship. There’s got to be something going on! Sometimes I wish I had a real counselor and not just a psych nurse.

I was doing alright for girlfriends between the ages of 19 to 23, then it all kind of petered out and I ended up falling in love with women who became friends and nothing further over and over. I’ve had an unrequited crush for four years at a time sometimes. That’s a long time to be romantically preoccupied with someone who doesn’t even want to have sex with me! Oh man.

So you can understand why I feel like desire is totally futile.

I wonder what will happen to me the day it ISN’T futile anymore? Will I have a really hard time adjusting to being with someone who really wants me as much as I want them? Will I get all scared because it hasn’t happened for years and run away as fast as I can? Will I get all jerky and crabby to drive them away? Will I get stressed out because I am in love and go insane? It’s worrisome.

But not as worrisome as the alternative, which is that I spend the rest of my life alone continuing to get unrequited crushes and feeling depressed like the Phantom of the Opera, which I almost spelled Oprah. Yes, the Phantom of the Oprah.

Here’s something to make you cry, it’s from Post Secret about sad love.

I am tired of sad love. Well anyway, enough of this blogging for now, now I am off to keep slowly moving all of my bedroom things upstairs to my new bedroom. I will think of a good New Year’s Eve blog to end the year with!

New Years Re(s/v)olutions

I am doing my annual hunt for worthy New Years Resolutions. For the first time in years, quitting smoking isn’t on my list, because I already HAVE quit and I just have to stick to it. It’s been over three weeks now, and I am doing much better. I did dream again last night about smoking, but I just brushed it aside when I woke up and it hasn’t bothered me.

So OTHER resolutions. Well, I do still want to exercise more. My mom and I are planning on going to the leisure centres to do Aqua Boxercise this year. I hope we do it, it would be so fun! I only did it once last year, pretty silly since I had a leisure card.

I should commit to doing my laundry more often, it would make me look a lot less shabby. Shabby lady! I am going to otherwise care for my grooming more. Like not walking around with bed head all day anymore. And being sure to brush my teeth twice a day. And flossing, which I was going to try and do last year but I forgot.

Intellectually, I think I need to commit more time to reading. I need to read a variety of things too. I don’t know what kind of goal to set around reading. A book every two weeks sounds about right. I will need to get my library card ship shape then, because I have really bad fines on it. UGH!

Creatively I am going to stick to my goal of making two videos a year. I will be done this Super 8 film in the next couple of weeks, and then I have my butch video I will hopefully get a grant for. I am also going to be applying this year for production funds to make Bunnyhug. I hope I get some cash! I really want to do my feature and it’s not like Telefilm is going to give me any money before I have made a feature. It’s so complicated. You must produce a feature to be eligible to get money to produce a feature. ??????

And I am going to keep trying to get into good writing habits of writing everyday, even a little bit. Not necessarily always in this blog, but writing anything, bits of my novel, a short story, a poem, a grant application, whatever. I must increase my output!

My big challenge this year though is to accomplish 6 sober weeks from that thing I love. After 6 weeks I am going to re-evaluate how I am doing from where I began and decide if I am going to stay clean. I have meant to do this for a really long time. If it turns out I am doing way better, then I think I will try to hang on to my clearness. I’m also very curious about how it will impact my creativity, since that is my most important aspect of my life being an artist and writer. And if it will allow me to be more productive, which is also important. It’s all an experiment. But it’s exciting.

The thing I have worried about is how irritable I know I will get and wondering when I can expect it to end. I don’t want to be a bitch forever. And I don’t want to fuck up relationships (not Relationships cause I don’t have one) with friends and family because I’m withdrawing from weed and am all crabby and jerky. I wish I could write a big disclaimer and stick in on my forehead, some kind of apology in advance. It’s probably what I am worried about the most.

Quitting smoking has made me think it’s more possible to quit weed for a while anyway. I’m still obviously ambivalent about giving it up forever, but at the same time I know I would save a lot of money and probably feel way better. Who knows, maybe even the amount of psych meds I am on would go down. Maybe I could even go off Risperidone. That might be nice, then I could do mushrooms again. Ha ha, I’m kidding. Am I? O.o

You can find magic mushrooms on lawns in Surrey!

Aw, I still remember that time I did mushrooms and they worked. That was so fun. Oh man. That was that magical winter before I went crazy and everything went to hell. Damn.

I’m going to be busy this year. I’ll be in Germany for a month this summer if all goes as planned. I will also be in Australia at some point for a couple of weeks. And then when I get home I will find out if I got my production grant for Bunnyhug. AAAAARG! I hate that, it’ll be the third summer in a row where I run out of cash just before finding out if I have a grant. HOWEVER, if I work really hard at advertising and doing sales calls, I might have enough clients for my business that I can earn a living on my own. And then I won’t have to worry, because I will already be booked up for work in August. That’s the only way to save myself! I have to plan for this way in advance, because the last two summers have been shitty for being broke ass Thirza in August when all the fun events happen in Saskatoon like the Fringe and the Exhibition and Folk Fest. And I don’t want to have to stay home again.

All of this, of course, means that I absolutely must not have a manic psychosis this year. Or at least wait until September to have one. Ha ha, no, none at all! Nyet!

If all goes according to plan then fall 2012 will be spent auditioning and location scouting and so forth, and then I will be shooting my feature just before the Solstice. When the WORLD ENDS AND THE ALIENS LAND!

And then I will apply for post production funding, and end up waiting until August for the fourth year in a row.

Oh man!