Category Archives: News

Sex sex sex sex!

Duh! I totally set this up so I could blog and then I went willy nilly all over internet land until I remembered! I was posting too much on facebook so sometimes when I have a touch of hypergraphia I use it up here. Well well well, what should I report?

OMG! I have a job! I am doing a street patroller job seven and a half hours a week picking up used needles in the inner city! I have my orientation on Tuesday! And I have to get some hepatitis shots and I got a criminal record check. I am not a criminal according to my record! Hurrah!

I got asked to dance at the Pride dance and got a phone number! I felt really awkward, I don’t know what to do with women. I really am clueless. I have to remember to call her back because the last time I got this woman’s number I forgot to call her and everyone got mad at me! I should call her. I wonder if it is too late now. So I guess I have two numbers really, but I kinda already fucked up with that previous one.

It’s just that after spending years wanting to finally have a “real” relationship (read: monogamous) and only ending up in polyamourous relationships, now I really WANT to be poly but I don’t want to crush some monogamous oriented woman’s heart. And it’s really silly because I don’t even have one relationship, just some crushes I am hanging around with. But I don’t want to have to pick one, I want them all! I am greedy!

Anyway, so getting picked up in bars or clubs makes me worry because I don’t want to wake up the next morning in a relationship with someone I haven’t gotten to know. And Lesbians move pretty fast into relationships sometimes. I dunno, I would just prefer getting to know women and making sure they are poly before having sex. Plus I now require safer sex supplies when I’m doing it and I stopped carrying around my emergency stash of condoms, dental dams, and gloves. And my gloves are six years old, I should really buy new ones. Black ones. That would be super sexy! Yeah, I am starting to realize that there is some sexual potential in my life and I really should be better prepared.

I used to always pack my strap on Just In Case when I traveled, and I don’t anymore. Maybe I should. I don’t have much practice using it to be honest, I’m kind of awkward with it. I feel like less of a butch! I wish my dildo was a nicer colour, like blue. Or red. My favorite one was green but that was kind of a stupid colour, it fit really good though. And then the rat ate it. I was so upset, but he had a cute little face, even though green silicone was coming out of his mouth. Anyway, my current favorite one is this kind of creamy white person flesh colour if white people had no blood. It’s kind of a stupid colour too, I should have ordered right from Vixen instead of going through Come As You Are.

Actually I would prefer a softer dildo, Vixen dildos, at least the ones I have had, are quite firm. I need to get to a dildo store, clearly. Online ordering won’t cut it.

Anyway. Pride was awesome, clearly! I got to hang out with a crush all day and my dog did good at Pride even though he wouldn’t drink any water. He gets stubborn. And then I went to the dance and then I went to 302 and saw bunches of friends and then I went to a friends and then I came home in the morning. And slept for four hours. It wasn’t enough! 🙁 I am looking forward to sleeping tonight.

Well since I titled this blog sex sex sex sex I feel compelled to talk about it more. But I really have nothing further to say. I am always surprised when I end up having sex, because most of the time I am not having sex. And then I like feeling someone whose body is like mine. I’m pretty attracted to lesbianism. I just think same sex fucking is hot! It’s fucking hot!

I don’t just want sex though, I want long relationships. I want commitment even if it doesn’t involve monogamy, just knowing someone is serious. That someone will stick around. I am tired of short explosive relationships, where there’s this intense passionate involvement that ends just as suddenly as it begins. I’ve had a lot of those. I want to really get to know my lovers.

And I hate hurting women. I am always scared of breaking someone’s heart because I know it sucks, but it’s kind of silly to worry about that before even getting in a relationship. Oddly enough, I am not scared about getting my heart broken, even though the odds of it happening again are pretty high.

I wonder who my girlfriend will be. Or girlfriends. Or whatever. BUT ABSOLUTELY NO SISTER WIVES!!!

Supernatural Diaspora!

Tomorrow morning at 10am will be 7 days since I have had a cigarette! I made it through a weekend including partying without smoking a single puff! I am so amazed, it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. Drinking is kind of a trigger for smoking for me, but I made it through without following my friends outside for a cigarette. I went out a couple times with them just because I didn’t like being the only one inside, but it was so cold and it felt kind of silly to have to stand outside.

So hopefully this continues. I am feeling pretty committed to a smoke free life. It’s such a waste of money and I don’t want to die early. And I don’t want to expose other people to my cigarette smoke either.

I really need to make a new video. I hope I get my Mars video funding. That would be a lot of fun to make. Just wish and hope for the best. I already wrote the grant so now it’s out of my control.

Whether or not I get my funding I should also make a short self funded video. Sometimes I feel like I can push the envelope more with work that isn’t tied to a funding agency. Like Untouchable, I wasn’t paid to make that by any funding agency, I just had access to resources. I was lucky! I had my own camera and the Video In 3/4″ editing suite. I want to make some more work like that.

I just feel very uninspired these days. I’m not sure what I feel pressed to talk about. Usually something makes me angry and I make a video about it and it’s about my various oppressions and turns out to be political. But I don’t know what I feel angry about.

It’s been an ongoing worry ever since I got on psychiatric medications, I feel a little bit empty, a little less passionate. It sucks. Even my happiness is just a titch muted, and I can tell. My sadness too. But what am I supposed to do about it? I was REALLY overmedicated before, even my psych nurse says so, and she has known me ever since then. Anyway, it makes me feel a little careless, like I don’t care, to say anything. Like if you don’t get it you don’t get it and who am I to point out what an ignorant asshole someone is being because they are being an ist, like racist sexist ageist ableist. All the ists! I’m tired of pointing it out. Let people go to hell in a handbasket!

But I also realize that those sort of attitudes left unchecked wreak havoc on basic human rights for all of us deemed outside the borders of normal. So it’s not really good to not care.

I care enough about my self preservation that I quit smoking cigarettes. That must count for something. I’m not quite so self destructive now.

I do care though, about certain people. It’s kind of weird. I don’t know what to do about any of that either. I’m fairly romantically inept. And being poly makes things a little more complex. Because poly means something different to everyone really. And my last poly girlfriend could have been fine with something the next poly girlfriend takes exception to. Like some poly people want a main partner and others don’t want hierarchies in their romantic partnerships or whatevers.

I don’t really care if I have bunches of girlfriends, just one would really be enough for me.

I finally put half of my music onto my restored iPod. I have doubled up entries for the same song file in all of my itunes, and I don’t know how to get rid of it but after going from Abba to Tori Amos picking every other file, I selected a block of files and it didn’t duplicate files in my iPod. I was impressed!

I apologize for how boring that last story was.

I have heard these tales I am not supposed to tell about half horse people at a certain reserve here in Saskatchewan. I’ve heard it from three different people. Spooky! There are some bizarre supernatural beings in North America.

Once I was talking with my friend Lynx Hell and she was like “Yeah, and all those immigrants brought their THINGS with them!” And I was like “What things?” And she said “You know, their little spirits and stuff like leprechauns and banshees” and I was like “They brought their THINGS with them!!!!!???” I mean, it’s probably true. Supernatural Diaspora!

Quit Smoking Attempt #2435

I have now been smoke free for over 83 hours! I am amazed! I feel so much better, I’ve even gone out drinking a couple nights and didn’t have a cigarette. I don’t have that horrible shortness of breathe anymore where I felt all constricted and choking. I can smell things again, like the greenness of spring and the flowers and the air from the laundry drier. I’m feeling more positive about myself too.

This time felt almost easy to quit. I just had enough, and I am tired of quitting and failing. I have been quitting for over nine years. But except for that one six month stretch I haven’t had much luck. I need to learn to accept that I can’t have even one little puff of a cigarette. It would start all over again and I would feel shitty about myself and smell like stink and no one will want to kiss me!

But now I am more kissable! Hurrah!

Anyway, it’s about time. I hate to think of what I did to my body while I was all depressed and wanting to die and smoking as a way out eventually. NOOOOO! Now I want to live and I don’t want to die young from some smoking related illness. I don’t want to live to be as old as my Grandma is now, but to be 85 would be decent. La la la. So I’m smoke free.

And actually, while I have been smoking cigarettes not at all I have also slowed down my use of pot! I am smoking less and less and feeling more energetic. I almost feel like I could give it up for a while. Almost. I am still not ready for that. Pot is how I relax, the way other people have a glass of wine. I know both can be indicative of more serious deep seated issues, but it’s semi innocent. I hear that if I exercise more I will just naturally crave pot less and less. Which seems not so painful.

I dunno, but defeating one addiction has made me want to continue defeating the rest of them. Baby steps though. It really only has been three and a half days since my last smoke, so I can’t get all cocky yet. And smoking weed has been kind of nice just because it is something to smoke. I should seriously consider buying that Magic Flight vaporizer if I want to keep my lungs healthier though. Joints can be pretty harsh!

So now I am a vegetarian non-smoker. I have to keep reminding my mom I am a vegetarian. She keeps forgetting, although not as badly as when she kept forgetting I was a boy. My six months of being a boy. I didn’t like the clothes as much as when they are butch girl clothes though.

I almost gave up and ate beef the other day. I met my cousin Sharlene at Lydia’s for the burger and fries you get with a pint and when they asked if I wanted veggie or beef I was so relieved and got the best veggie burger I have ever had! Well, until tonight the only veggie burger I had ever had, but I burnt my burger on the grill today so it wasn’t that great.

So there you go veggies, you can eat the burgers at Lyds!

I sometimes want to leave Saskatoon, and then at other times want to become some eccentric character in Saskatoon like Lorraine the muumuu lady or Sailor Dan. No, I can never achieve that kind of fame here. If I started a queer fest here I could be famouser.

I am changing and I don’t know what I am changing into. It’s been going on for a while but it feels like only recently I have gotten the momentum to actually make changes to my life like cutting out meat and giving up cigarettes. I don’t know if I will be a vegetarian forever, I guess we will see, but I sure hope the no smoking thing is for good this time. And what else is going to change? I don’t know. I don’t know what kind of person I am becoming. I wish I did have some idea of what I am evolving into. I don’t want to become so health conscious I become sick, but a little bit of health consciousness would be good.

And I do still have a leisure card.

My gallbladder is still being a pain, I had a little bit of poutine last night and my stomach ached until the morning. YUCK! I have an appointment next tuesday at two with the Amazing Dr. Saffy to try and get some narcotics for when I have a gallbladder attack.

My fingers smell nice now that I don’t smoke! Yay!

Anyway, because of the gallbladder I am eating less and less fat, I have started using this margarine that is made of mostly water because I am too afeard of butter!

I can’t believe it’s not fat!

Fat is goooooood, I miss it! I can get away with a little bit now and then, but not much! I’m looking forward to the day I can eat japanese pumpkin tempura again!

This blog is really mostly about my health, I wish I had more mental health issues to relate to you to spice it up, mental health porn. I forgot my morning meds three days in a row, made me kind of depressed. That’s all there is to report. I am taking them normally again.

I sort of miss sex, but I feel like I am getting used to having none again. It’s really only the first year without sex that is the hardest, after that they blend together!

Sometimes Straight Guys Suck! And other people suck too!

I think there is this really creepy tension sometimes between Lesbians and Straight Guys. It freaks me out. Especially when I have a Lesbian section on my Google News and keep reading slews of stories of “corrective rape” and murder of Lesbians in South Africa all the time. Straight guys are obsessed with Lesbians! Like, SUPER obsessed! I don’t know if straight women are obsessed with Gay men, somehow I don’t think so. But it’s that whole challenge thing. Like they feel they have something to prove and want to make Lesbians into straight women. It’s so FUCKING GROSS! Like, how much of a creep do you have to be?

I recently had a falling out with a friend because he kept making comments about “bringing you back to the good side” and fucked up shit like that. It creeped me out and made me feel unsafe. I don’t think straight men realize how creepy they sound when they talk like that.
Creep creep creep!

I don’t mind if guys flirt with me once in a while, although I don’t flirt back, because flirting is pretty harmless. But making comments about converting someone’s minority sexuality is pretty fucking EFFED UP! It’s hard enough being a dyke without having some ignorant straight dude sexually harrassing me. And it was becoming this ongoing series of comments for the last few times we have gotten together, and it just REALLY pissed me off.

So I wrote an fb status about it and said get out of my life and now we are not friends. Officially. Because we aren’t friends on fb. It’s such a weird way of not being friends with someone, to go so far as to delete them from your contacts. Life in the 21st Century.

I’m kind of tired of having my lesbianism challenged by so many people. I should actually mention that it hasn’t just been straight guys who have said I wasn’t a lesbian, it’s been straight women and trans men and when I was a teen some older lesbians said I couldn’t be a lesbian yet because I was too young.

But you know what? The truth is, I HATE STUBBLY FACES AND FLAT CHESTS! It’s not so much penises that turn me off, it’s the whole rest of it. Privilege and taking up space and being uber hairy and too hot temperature wise and kinda smelly and having genitals that taste like bread dough is pretty unappealing to me as well. I AM SUCH A LESBIAN! OMG!

I dunno. Maybe if I had a girlfriend this whole thing would stop and I would get my Lesbian I.D. in the mail. I think people question my sexuality because there really aren’t many Lesbians in the world, in comparison to say, bisexuals or straight people. So EVEN THOUGH I knew at fourteen I was a lesbian and not straight or even bisexual, even though I have never fallen in love with a man, even though I have never had a boyfriend, I still get my sexuality challenged.

I dunno, for some reason I think it’s rude. I guess because I don’t do it to other people. I mean, I could suspect someone is a different sexuality than what they are living, but I don’t see the point in harrassing them about it or challenging them. Why not let people live lives the way they want? What is so wrong about me being a Lesbian that people believe my innate sexuality is a myth? What do I have to do to prove I am a Lesbian, and why should I have to prove it.

Everyone is surprised when they learn my first kiss and first sexual experience was with a girl, but it was. I was a nerd so it happened all on the same night when I was seventeen. I mean, if someone was going to kiss me and I really liked them and I had a chance, why not go all the way? But until then I spent three years being challenged on my sexuality because I was a virgin, and how could I know I was a Lesbian until I had sex? Which is a stupid thing to think. Straight people certainly don’t get questioned about being straight if they are virgins.

It’s all so weird. So anyway. So I don’t have a boyfriend for the rest of my life. Whatever. I don’t feel like I am missing out on anything by being exclusively romantic with women. Women are more romantic anyway. And they have such soft skin. And femmes are really beautiful. Well, so are butches, but I do like smart funny sophisticated beautiful femmes. And plus femmes are the ones who get me to open up and be vulnerable in intimate situations, and I am pretty sure I wouldn’t have that same dynamic with a dude. I can be just as inscrutable as the most detached male, so two of us together would be a BAD combination.

Amber Dawn once said I do better when I am in a relationship. I don’t know how I feel about that. It’s true I actually clean and keep myself more groomed when I am entertaining a lady on an ongoing basis. But also, I think I am more in touch with my deep feelings when I am having intimate conversations with a lover.

I still remember the morning after a night of great sex when I made Amber Dawn blueberry and mango crepes and told her I loved her. That was such a great day! 😀 See, women make me feel squishy feelings. And squishy feelings makes me do nice things for them.

I still like all my exes. They were pretty awesome. Too bad we had such a short time for a relationship, but then maybe I am remembering them in an idealized way. I am sure there were issues.

But anyway, yes, being a Lesbian is hard sometimes. I wish people would just learn to accept me as I am and quit trying to change me. And that includes people in the queer community.

Surgery consultation in June!

I finally got a call about my gallbladder surgery, and I have a consultation this June. I am relieved. I also found out today I missed my appointment with the gynecologist to talk about ablation. Mainly I don’t want to have to get a hysterectomy later. Like all the other women in my family.

Boring, all I talk about these days on Facebook is all my medical issues, it drives me crazy, I feel like a 33 year old fuddy duddy. And then I think, maybe that really is all that is going on with me. Medical problems. I am old. When I was a kid my main problem was extreme anxiety, now MEDS tAke care of that but I have all kinds of other problems. I really don’t want diabetes.

OMG!!!! I almost forgot, I quit eating meat! It’s been something I have thought seriously about for a few years, but it’s gotten to a point where I can’t eat meat without gagging. I’m not opposed to meat eaters or anything, and I am not running off to join those sexists and racists at PETA, but for now I am a vegetarian. The only problem is I really don’t know what I am doing. I don’t know how to cook without meat except for a couple recipes, and I don’t know how to have a balanced diet. I feel kind of weird and it has been a few days now, I really should look it up and plan some meals. It’s a big step. Maybe now I can become a real Buddhist, whatever that entails!

I’m slowly evolving towards something, but I can’t tell what yet. I thought I was going to become healthy the way people always say you have to do it, by having a no fun life of no drinking and smoking up and carousing. But now I am feeling more lenient about myself, like I could feel okay about myself even if I smoke weed a lot. Although I don’t know. I really like it. Whatever. But there are different things I am more interested in exploring. Like sex! I would like to have more sex please! I feel so ripped off by my pitiful track record. And what the he’ll am I doing living in Saskatoon? Someone remind me why I think staying here is a good idea? Oh yeah, POVERTY. Damn.

See what I really need to do is get all writery and chain-smoke while pumping out the Great Canadian Aboriginal Lesbian Novel for a couple of years, maybe drink into a black out a couple more times while shooting video of all the people I meet. Aw crap, I just realized I can’t buy street hotdogs anymore. I have a lot to do! I need to write a best seller so I can happily retire on the royalties.

I need to do more of what I love, I think that’s where my future lies. As God is my witness I will never work in a call centre again!

I finally went downtown and showed my paystub so I can keep riding the bus with a twenty dollar pass every month instead of a seventy one dollar pass. It’s good until November! Subsidized bus fares are awesome!

I need to go scrounge up something delicious and vegetarian for dinner, so I will go now.

The sun porch is lovely this time of year.

I turned 33!!!!! I’m growing up, not down, like a goose or a carrot! Up like a mighty oak!

Anyway, I learned that my ability to throw parties is on par with my ability to grow plants, which is not at all. So I surrender! I will not invite my friends to see each other and celebrate me!

I cleaned the sun porch today! I’m out here right now, writing this blog! I haven’t written here for a while, and believe me, I feel guilty for not keeping up with writing one page a day. But I have been busy! Believe me!

I feel like I have accomplished something immensely great by cleaning the sun porch, mostly because I did it in an hour and now it’s actually a nice place to hang out. It gets crazy dirty over the winters. I also added 2:18 minutes to my video program. I am still short six minutes. I need a six minute short.

I’m feeling generally okay, I forgot three days of morning mess in a row recently and got mildly depressed. But I pulled through! Mess equals MEDS of course, I am writing on an iPad.

The dogs, cat, and I are all grooving in the sun porch listening to Sexy Boy by Air.

I couldn’t be a boy, it would annoy the he’ll out of me. He’ll meaning hell of course! I like spending time with women far too much to be a boy. Plus I hear their washrooms are disgusting.

Nothing more than feelings . . .

My tummy hurts! Ahhhhhh! I think that one big gallstone that is in the way is trying to go through my duct but can’t get in the opening, and it’s just pushing and pushing and ARG! I hate having gallstones. I want the damn thing cut out of me already, it’s been a really awful couple of years. I drank three pops and some fried food and I think that’s gotten to me. I have had to cut back drastically on my pop intake, and I was doing pretty good, one pop a day, my tummy wasn’t bothering me. But then I had three today! Oh noes!

Anyway, that really wasn’t what I wanted to talk about. What I wanted to talk about is being frustrated by my addictions and feeling like a low life trying to talk about it. FUCK! Why do I belong to stigmatized segments of society? Is it because I am an artist? No! It is because I am a Thirza, with flaws and strengths that sometimes fight with each other.

Ever since my ex told me she didn’t want to be with me because I had no drive, ambition, or willpower, and that my inability to conquer my addictions reveals a character flaw, I’ve been using pretty hardcore! Like “OH yeah! Well fuck you I’m gonna go get drunk with my friends and puke over the side of the bed and smoke so much pot I will have forgotten you!” And it kind of worked, I did forget about her, and move on. But I also treated my body terribly and now it doesn’t feel good. And maybe part of it made me throw in the towel on cutting back and so forth. Like “Well Rheanne already said I failed at quitting so I might as well FAIL!”

God my tummy hurts! One small relief is that the searing pain of having a stone go through my duct hasn’t happened in a while since this horking great big stone got in the way.

Still hurts though.

A friend of mine has been pestering me to reveal feelings. I thought I already did, but I guess I am a bit closed off still. I dunno, what feelings? I have feelings about everything, but since I have a mood disorder and am being treated for it, they manifest differently than they did before. I still fall crazy in love and all that, and if a movie is really sad I will cry. Maybe I just don’t feel like I have any feelings I want to share. I try to take the middle road on feelings and not get caught up in sadness or manic happiness. I dunno. So many things have happened to me in my life that I just kind of plod along like an ox pulling a plow. And then I do have wildly fantastic secret feelings that I always let slip out in subtle ways around friends. Like how I feel about certain persons and getting a goofy smile on my face when I talk about them. Really though I want to make grand gestures and get caught up in love and stuff. But it’s kind of hard when one interest is recovering from major surgery and the other lives over the ocean. Kind of puts a damper on declaring feelings and so forth.

BUT REALLY! What feelings? I shall have to think of what I am feeling these days.

I am feeling anxious about my grandparents. I know they won’t be around much longer and I want to see them lots. We see them probably a couple times a week. My granny is getting so frail and already her spinal discs are disintegrating. And my Grandpa doesn’t hear very well anymore. They were fairly prominent in my childhood and I’ve always had a close bond to them. I’m scared about saying goodbye.

I am feeling a sore tummy. Oh, you know that. Well I am feeling nervous about my upcoming surgery, I am worried I will wake up on the operating table.

I’m scared for my future because I am starting my own business and haven’t got any equipment yet and need to do some more work, and will always be having to do more work, and I have had to turn down work because I don’t have equipment.

OH! I am happy about one new development in my life. Little Pine First Nations, my reserve, has bought land just outside of Saskatoon near Wanuskewin and my Mum and I are going to get a little plot of land and build a container house duplex with a shared kitchen and laundry room. We figure we can do it with three containers, and we will have a fence to keep out wildlife and keep in our dogs, and a hot tub, and a fire pit and a deck. And if I decide to move to a big city for a while or something, she can use my half for her studio. And because it will be reserve land, we won’t have to pay taxes on anything we make and anything we order by mail.

And there will be no bloody basement!

I feel frustrated with my addictions because they are so fun and social, and while I do a lot of solitary smoking, I also have a lot of nameless friends who partake with me while chillaxing. I don’t know, maybe even if I just cut out the solitary smoking. I’m confused. MY psych nurse just wants me to stop completely, but I have a lot of reservations about that.

I’m worried about a cousin of mine, because I am not sure she is really out of the danger zone yet from a mental health episode and I worry she has thrown away her medication and I don’t want to see her have to go back to the hospital for a third time this year. And because I wrecked my relationship when I went off my meds, I am worried about people going off their meds. Sooner or later they all seem to end up in the hospital having to take meds again, and some of those meds don’t work as well if they are always being stopped and started. And also just because I know the body is really exhausted after a manic episode and typically coming down from one involves a bit of suicidal thinking. At least for me.

It’s because it is embarrassing to lose control and run around with no clothes and write scores of emails to a lover which estranges them because they are so bizarre. And also because all the seratonin gets used up in a manic episode and your body has to get it back to regular levels, so you feel like the best option is to walk off a bridge or something. And some people do it, as we well know. My post-manic depressions are usually terrible and long. Like a few months. It’s like you are just shell shocked with all the risky things you did while you were crazy and are trying to make sense of yourself again.

This whole thing about feelings is silly. I repress my feelings! I could want to jump on someone and kiss them all over and all I will do is say hello and make some stupid joke.

I don’t feel bad about being into Rheanne for so long though. I gave it a shot! I worked long and hard for it! But it was never to be. At least I tried, at least I didn’t walk away from my feelings about her. At least I communicated my feelings to her. But she thinks I’m a loser! Whatever, what am I supposed to do about that? She and I haven’t even spent time together since March 2007, so much has changed! I am sane now, mostly. Predominantly sane.

The thing is, if I am sleeping with someone I totally tell them all my feelings, even feelings I didn’t know I was feeling. And not even just happy feelings, I tell them sad ones and angry ones and all the rest. I’ll tell them a feeling I had in grade nine! I totally open up to women when I have sex with them. Not like, DURING sex, except for lovey lusty feelings of course. But after sex, before sex, between having sex and going for breakfast. And during cuddly times. I can keep very few things secret from my lovers. I like to think that is a plus in dating me.

That being said, I do keep some secrets secret from EVERYONE, believe it or not. Things that are between me and God!

Today I got sad while I ate my bacon. I thought about the pig who died to give me bacon and what kind of factory farmed life it had and was it meaningful and who was I to have an animal killed just so I could eat? Why is it’s life less meaningful than mine? And I was thinking all these things and I couldn’t stop eating the bacon because it tasted so good, so I tried to remember how humans have survived on meat for thousands of years and this is just what we do to survive and then I thought “This music is making me think about the sadness of eating meat!” And then I said to my friend “This music is depressing!”

No it’s not, she said. And I ate my last piece of bacon.

I am terrible at cleaning. PERIOD!

As you may know, I am supposed to be inhabiting my mother’s basement, like many unfortunates my age who can’t afford rent in other places. I don’t spend a lot of time in the basement though. At first I thought it was because I think the basement is haunted. But lots of parts of the house have had weird things happen in them, not just the basement. Now I have come to accept, it is because the basement is a horrid mess.

And it’s supposed to be all clean for my business.

So today I worked on it some. I actually cleaned the bathroom and found a spider and did some laundry which covered my bedroom floor. I also moved some boxes from near the bedroom/future office to a storage area just beside the bathroom. But there is still so much to be done, and it is so big! I feel really ineffectual, even though the bathroom looks good finally.

I just found out my speed dating is probably not going to happen tonight. I feel so disappointed? Where’s the sapphic single ladies?? All the single ladies . . .

I need to get out of the house tonight, I don’t want to stay in yet again. I don’t know what I could do. My one friend is going to the gym. I could go work out. I have my period though, and I hate tampons because I bleed too heavy, so maybe swimming is out for me.

Once I did get my period in the pool, and I found this clot floating next to me. Periods are weird man!

Especially my fibroid enhanced periods.

I wish I could see the ultrasounds of my gallbladder and uterus.

I’m looking forward to the day I don’t have my period anymore. It doesn’t make me feel any more connected to being a woman. It makes me feel vulnerable to bears and cougars!

So I was having this conversation with my friend Robin yesterday about how we read articles online about cleaning instead of just actually cleaning, or how to stop procrastinating, while using it as an excuse to procrastinate. I’m really terrible at this. I’ve probably also spent more time reading books on how to have an awesome sex life than actually doing so. I sure as hell haven’t logged enough mileage.

I also like to write about doing things instead of doing them. Sometimes.

OMG! Did you hear about this killer named Twitchell in Edmonton who was a filmmaker who made a film about killing someone a certain way, and then actually did it. WTF? He also wrote this whole confessional diary about it.

And he was obsessed with Dexter.

Well I was obsessed with Ab Fab but I didn’t turn into a drug taking booze hound! Ha ha ha, wait.

There are two skeletons at the University of Saskatchewan named Dexter and Sinister. At least there used to be.

Once my cousin told me about this haunted cave in Mexico where you could see skeletons dancing. I wish I could find out more about it. We were going to host a paranormal show and investigate haunted places and scream. We were good at screaming. But honestly, I don’t think I can be a paranormal investigator. I’d prefer to stay away from it. I’m tired of being around it.

Maybe I should save some eggs. I wonder if Indian Affairs covers cryogenic egg preserving since I will be getting an ablation.

Once when I was at Hantleman I wandered all over campus looking for my glasses (they were under the bed back at Hantleman, but I was crazy) and I stumbled on the cryogenics facility. It just had this happy little sign that said “Cryogenics” and that was all I saw. And then I came back to the ward and got my glasses.

I need my glasses at all times!

I am not a Deer!

I spend a lot of time with my mother and grandmother. My grandfather as well. But he doesn’t get called dear. My grandma HATES being called Dear. She thinks it’s degrading to her as an old lady. And my mum, who recently quit dyeing her hair, has also been called a Dear.

The funny thing is Grandma used to call me Dear when I was younger. I would get upset and say “I am not a deer!” thinking she was calling me an ungulate. “Oh Dear!” she would say, and I would repeat “I am not a Deer!”

Kids are weird, even I was weird. Also when my mom said “Look, an antelope!” I would say “I don’t see any cantaloupe!” I was expecting a field of melons. Not those tiny ungulates.

I am at home wanting to go out. I hate feeling like I am stuck at home. I want to be drinking a beer or hanging out or in a car or SOMETHING! Oh mans! Well, at least tomorrow night I am at Lesbian Speed Dating! From meeting to uhaul in one night!

I don’t know what to expect. I am not really expecting to meet someone, but you never know!

I’m getting sleepy now. I don’t know why I ever said I wanted to leave the house, now I just want to crawl into bed and sleep the night away!

No clever title

Life’s been eventful. We saved the dogs when they ate rat poison and a couple relatives had to visit the hospital. SO DRAMATIC!

The dogs now get a Vitamin K oral suspension once a day for the next month. They are doing pretty good with it, the first day they were kind of upset about it because the vet had made them throw up and then eat activated charcoal and our technique for putting the syringe in their mouths wasn’t very good. But it’s in peanut oil and they actually think it is pretty tasty now, so it’s not too difficult anymore, especially when they all line up to get it now.

The vet said we had very well behaved dogs. And they really liked them, one was talking to Mister just before we left telling him how cute he was. And my mother thinks that the vet who saved them is a lesbian and I should date her. Ha ha ha!

I should date a vet, that would be handy to have in the family. We have one cat and three dogs altogether! That’s a lot of little furry souls!

Arthur is the one who gets all this food they eat that they aren’t supposed to. He is a menace! I told Mum there should be a movie about her and him starring Tantoo Cardinal. An academic and her bad dog. Ha ha! It could be the neechie Marley and Me.

I’ve been taking my meds really well lately, I only missed one night dose last week. And I haven’t used my sleeping pills in a really long time. YAY me!

Sometimes a change in seasons can tip off an episode. And everything is finally melting away here. Enough to go for a walk, I dare say! And I have another funny confession: I am afraid to go for walks because that is what I did when I was manic, I walked and walked and walked. Granted I am not walking such great distances, I just want to go walk around the neighborhood and look at stuff and think.

My mum told me they have discovered that exercise is better for your brain than doing sudoko and all those little puzzles, especially exercise where they tell you what to do. And I am trying to be healthier. My mental health is really good, I just need to bring the rest of it up to snuff. And I want to try to avoid getting dementia when I get old. I had a group home roommate with dementia and it was horrible! She was on her way to a higher care place, because she just didn’t know what was going on or how to take care of herself. I don’t want that to happen to me, my brain is weird enough already.

Which means I should really try and quit that thing I love. Dammit! BUT I LOVE IT!


I am coming up to taking a break from it until my birthday anyway. MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING UP! I will be 33! Old timey lady! LOL. “I remember riot grrls! I remember the Challenger exploding!”

And the colored girls say do do do do do do do.

I just took a walk! I have been avoiding walking around while it’s slushy and icy, but it has finally melted away enough that there are only some puddles everywhere. And I was able to avoid the deep ones. Sometimes you’ll come to a puddle and think it’s okay to step in, but there is ice at the bottom and you get soaked falling in. That happened to me once. I felt so embarrassed walking home all wet. I was a teenager so I was embarrassed way easier back then. Now of course so many embarrassing things have happened to me. Going crazy is embarrassing. Losing control. It pisses a lot of people off, and that always made me feel bad. Later.

Anyway, I also bought a coke at the store, so maybe that negated my walk.


I’ve been waiting for mom to get back home. I cashed in some Air Miles and bought two nights out at the movie for two people. I think my mom will get one and the other one I will save for . . . hmmm, I dunno! A special friend!

And I got 25 bucks worth of Kernels popcorn! I have a mother’s day present~! Although I hope she buys me some popcorn too. OMG! I wonder if she and I could go to Circle Centre tonight and get movie popcorn!? That would be sweet.

Well, I guess that concludes this blog. I mean, I will write more later, but this entry is over!