Pecs!!!! Maybe!

Well I have been steadily working out since January or February, and I can bench press 45lbs now (which is really just the bar and a couple 2.5lbs weights and doesn’t look like much but IS heavy!) and I’ve done other chest exercises like flies and pushups and so on. So I think I have a good chance of maybe having a slight curve to my pecs when top surgery is done. It’s funny because I like the way men’s pecs fit in a shirt, and sometimes I feel like I get closer to that look in a sports bra or binder but it’s not enough. I want real man tiddies!

I’m gonna get top surgery SO SOON! Like, just over a week. Ten days! Ten days away from no more tits life! I’m really excited.

I’ve kind of assumed I didn’t have a lot of dysphoria because when I compared my feelings to how some other trans men feel, I was never especially repulsed by my breasts or anything. But where the dysphoria comes in is that many times I’d been thinking I would have preferred to have a male chest that wasn’t sexualized the way breasts are. I wanted to be topless more often. I wanted to be able to sit around half naked and not be in trouble if the curtains were open. I wanted to have a flat chest. Like it wasn’t that I HATE my chest tissue right now, it’s just that it doesn’t really suit me.

They were nice. No complaints. They’ve been well documented though in my art, so I feel like they had a good run. I never got into nipple play or anything because my nipples are inverted so they already had issues with sensation. So I am not too worried about how sensation will turn out after surgery. I heard sometimes it comes back. Or sometimes not! I don’t know! I will find out.

And really it’s been working out that has made me really hunger to find out what I ACTUALLY look like. I want to know if I can flex my pecs! I want to know if I will have pecs that are visible. I want to see where my nipples get put and how they turn out. I’m just really curious! And I want to see what my body looks like altogether after that.

I’ve been watching gay FTM porn these days and I’m really turned on by the way the trans guys look and how they fuck. It’s kinda funny, I remember in my 20s this porn came out called Trannyfags and it was all gay FTM porn and I REALLY wanted to watch it but never did because I couldn’t order it online because I didn’t have a credit card or whatever. But sheesh, I should have known that was about me being trans and being curious about what I would look like. I think I didn’t buy it also because I felt like it would be really voyeuristic of me to watch it (since I id’d as a lesbian at the time). BUT NO I really just wanted to see what I would look like if I transitioned and fucked guys! Makes sense to me now. Most of the FTM guys on pornhub and stuff are bottoming though. Which is fine for me because I like doing that too. But it would also be nice to see trans guys topping guys and women.

Overall I’m excited for this next step. I should be fine with just hormones for a while after this. I’m really dubious about doing phallo because I don’t think I need it to be happy and it’s a lot of steps, and I like the way my cock works now. Also if I do get bottom surgery it will probably just be meta. And I don’t think I want balls. But I mean I dunno, my idea of how I want to inhabit my body might shift after top surgery. Also things are still growing so I don’t know, my needs might change. I still need to learn how to manually jack off, because I can only cum with a vibrator. But if there’s a solar flare that wipes out the electricity, I am gonna need to learn to cum without mechanical aids.

Also my sexuality is in flux. I do like multiple genders. But I’m struggling now with trying to date women and femmes, and have been unsuccessful around that so far. I know some women are flirting with me so it’s not like it WON’T happen. The flirty people all know I am trans. Maybe they just want me to feel happy tho ha ha. Dating men has been easier, but it’s still largely hookups. I haven’t had a romantic date in a long time.

I was talking with my therapist yesterday about feeling weird that I haven’t fallen in love in a long time, and she said she has a theory that because I’m transitioning my energy is focused inwards right now. That is probably the best answer for what is going on right now. I still have feelings for an ex, but it might be more like they were the last one I loved so they are kinda lingering in my memory until I’m ready to be open to someone new. Hopefully after I am more settled into my body after surgery I will be able to extend energy outside of myself again. It does feel really introspective right now.

One year and one Week on Testosterone!

Well it’s finally been slightly over a year on Testosterone! Here’s some comparisons for you to see and hear.

Theo Cuthand before Testosterone and After a year and a week
A comparison photo of Pre-T Theo and 1 Year T Theo

I think the softness in my face kind of went away, to me I still feel like I look the same as always but I know there’s some differences. More strangers are gendering me correctly out and about in the world which is really nice. ALSO yeah I am balding, which is a big change.

Also here is my voice comparison! I think you can tell I sound way happier in the more recent audio clip. Also yeah, it’s definitely made a big deep change.

The only thing I haven’t shown here is my t-dick changing, because my family reads this sometimes. But I am super into it so I thought I would try to depict it in a much more friendly way through digital drawings of what I imagine could be a cartoon version of my dick. I sort of imagine it like a snail in a hoodie. So I will try to draw it. It’s mostly a trans joy thing but also pretty personal and I don’t think it will ever get into my films (although who knows? Maybe I like having mystery now though). I will say that it started out about the size of a popcorn kernel, and now is probably somewhere between a big green grape and a haskap. Maybe more Haskap-shaped though than grape-shaped.

Theo's drawing of his dick if it was a snail in a hoodie
A cartoon representation of Theo’s dick

It looks bigger from the side and this is a front facing snail dick. So not really a representation of how big it is, more like I just find the way my labia attaches to it kinda cool. Although I might get a simple release metoidioplasty some day. But maybe not who knows!

I’m getting top surgery so soon!!! That’s the next big thing! I’m excited, I feel like it will help me move in the world in a way that feels more comfortable for me.

I was trying to use the women’s room in Montreal because the men’s bathrooms where the events were mostly held had only one stall, but the women’s had multiple stalls, and I had to pee and guys were always pooping which takes so much longer. So anyway, I noticed I was starting to confuse women when I went in there. Which felt kinda sucky. I really don’t care what bathroom I use but I know as I’m getting closer to passing as male that it’s like, not gonna be an option for me soon. I don’t mind the men’s room, I just wish they had more than one stall.

I think I am still becoming whatever I am becoming. I’m really rethinking how I do relationships these days and if I want a romantic relationship. I had some bad experiences and it’s kind of hard to just keep putting myself out there. What I like about T is that it’s made it much more easier emotionally to have casual sex. On the other hand it’s been a long time since I’ve fallen in love, and I kind of miss that. Anyway my therapist and I talked about it once and she said I wasn’t the old me anymore but I wasn’t quite the new me yet either. So I’m sort of in this in between place where I could grow in a positive way, or kinda go down a shitty path and be alone and grumpy and never love again. AHHHHH. I’d like to think I’ll try to stay open to love but also, ugh. It just seems less complicated to have hookups and friends. BUT also part of me still wants to travel with a partner and do cute shit like cuddle while watching tv. Whatever!

Mostly this past year has been nice to explore my body and how it works now. I have orgasms more like a man now which is super cool. I would elaborate but again my family sometimes reads this. ALSO yeah sex drive went apeshit, I’m having orgasms four or five times a day now which is NUTS! But also fun and way faster than before.

I’m starting to be more faggot identified. Which is a surprise for me. I think I’m still very bisexual and I’m still attracted to Femmes. But I also really like gay sex with men. And I also am kind of a flamer? I originally didn’t want to transition because I knew if I was a man my gender would be policed even more than if I stayed a gender non-conforming woman. Like, I know people are very threatened by feminine men. And I’m masc but you know, not SUPER masc, I tend to the faggy side. And I kind of knew I was a fag even when I was identifying as a dyke. It was very confusing for me. Anyway watching my gender slowly settle over the last year has been kind of fascinating. Letting myself be attracted to all the hot queer men in my life was really liberating. AND even tho I wrote that sad paragraph about not being sure about romance, there were some men and non-binary folks that I definitely thought had boy/joyfriend potential. So I don’t know, letting romance come out in relationships with men could be interesting.

I think as I’ve figured out being bisexual, I am even more committed than before to having polyamorous relationships. Because I don’t want just one person, I want a few different types of people. I know some people say bisexuals can’t be monogamous and I don’t think that’s true, I just think I’m a polyamorous person and always was, even when I was unsuccessfully trying to date lesbians. But anyway I am at a place in my life where I like that different people offer different things.

Anyway it’s late! Here’s my anniversary on T post though! Hopefully the next few posts will be about my top surgery. I will probably take pics, but I don’t want any terfs swiping photos of my chest while it’s healing and my nipples look janky, so I will probably not post a lot until it’s looking better.

We got an article in Variety!!!

HEY HEY! I’m in Montreal pitching my feature film project macîskotêw (Evil Fire) at Frontières Market which is part of Fantasia Film Fest. We pitch it tomorrow.

But LOOK! We got an awesome article about it in Variety today.

TJ Cuthand directing on set of Kwêskosîw (she whistles)
Theo Cuthand directing on set of Kwêskosîw (she whistles)

Read it! I’m pretty proud of it. I really hope we get some more people excited about it this week. I think it’s a cool project, well I better because I’ve been working on it for a long time. But really I feel so close to making it and I think it’s time! And none of it involved AI so yay!

No that’s too high

I’ve not smoked any joints since the day I got my surgery date. They told me edibles and oils were ok though. So I have been trying to figure out how to use it without fucking myself up. So basically I don’t use it until I’m done work for the day because edibles get you high for longer than smoking so it’s just not something I want to be doing while working. Ha ha I mean that’s very logical though. But today I tried a higher dose after work and now I’m too high. I think what I like about smoking is I don’t do it enough to get me super high. But these oils can just get so high. I don’t know how I feel about using cannabis this way. I’m still committed to not smoking again until October. But it does suck. I will be fine! I managed in Vienna without anything.

Except for those HHC Gummy Worms. Those fucked me up omg never again. The funny thing is I was staying at Museumsquartier and there was a reputation (according to the Vienna subreddit) for that to be a good place to get weed. But I am too anxious to do drugs in a foreign country where it’s not explicitly legal. I’m a fuddy duddy.

So yeah, I gotta figure out the right dose for oils. I’m glad I live in Canada where I can do these things. The weed and sex change options here are nice.

It’s almost a year on T! I’m excited to celebrate that later this month. I saw my health care practitioner today who was a doctor working with the nurse who is doing my trans health care stuff. So she wasn’t my regular person to talk to. I don’t know, it feels better when you know there’s some consistency. But also there’s lots of doctors and nurses who go through there so it’s probably helping them learn about providing gender affirming health care.

Apparently cis men’s hormones at my age range from 8 to 30 (I forget the exact measurement unit of this unfortunately and also I am high) and I am at 14. So I could go up if I want, but I feel fine at this range. So I’m finally going to stop increasing my T dose and just stay at what is going on now. It seems fine now. My body is generally going in the direction I want it to go. Things shifted around in a way I like, and my sense of wellbeing feels a lot better on T.

I got a ticket to Barbie!!! I’m so excited! I tried to buy two tickets together but there weren’t any seats left for two people together. So then I dumped my imaginary date (I didn’t even know who to go with I was just gonna ask around) and anyway now I am going to see it on opening night. I’m so stoked ha ha ha omg! It looks amazing! I’m so excited so I hope I don’t get let down. They caused a global shortage of pink paint so I really want to see it. Also I totally had Barbies growing up. I think mine were some kind of martial artists. Which is kind of funny because I didn’t take martial arts as a kid. No karate for me but all my friends seemed to be going to classes.

We were poor!

I’ve been poor recently because of cash flow issues. But today I got some money. And I’m supposed to get more. So it’s slightly better. I’ve been running my GoFundMe for a few days and some money is coming in for when I’m recovering from surgery. So that’s really good. I hate self promotion. I should probably put it on my Instagram or something. Ahhhhh.

I am doing fine otherwise. I did bloodwork yesterday and an ECG for my surgery. So next I just need to do the pre-op, pick up my prescription, and then go get surgery! I feel like I should have an advent calendar for it or something. A new chocolate every day! In masculine themed shapes (NOT JUST PENISES).

Ha ha that could be a store! Not Just Penises.

Anyway yeah I’m excited for my surgery and the Barbie movie. I will probably go see Oppenheimer also, but like, I am not as excited about watching things blow up.

When my Mom and I were talking about my transition she asked if I was gonna start watching shoot ’em up action films. And I was like, noooo, I’m still the same person.

It’s kind of weird how some people act like I killed the old me and I’m a whole different person now. When I really feel essentially the same but more comfortable. Like I was always a guy. I just wasn’t as open about it before. I don’t know I don’t understand people acting like they are grieving someone who is doing perfectly fine and still alive. I still have most of the same tastes.

Anyway, I’m happy with my progress.

Donate to my GoFundMe! (I’m just sticking these on all my posts for a while forgive me!)

Top Surgery Support

I made a page for this but I have to wait for my webmistress to put it on the navigation tab.

I am getting top surgery this August and as I am a full time artist who relies on the artistic gig economy to get by, I am going to need to get community assistance while I take six weeks off of work. You can support my GoFundMe here!

All money is going towards living expenses for six weeks, including rent, bills, groceries, and transportation.

Please donate! It would make a fascist furious and isn’t that the dream?

Shiny and New Chest Coming!

Well I had my surgery consultation on Monday and I have a surgery date now! Mid-August! I mean it’s more precise than that but I am trying to have some mystery. The plastic surgery office that does top surgeries is really curious because a lot of their other procedures are for rich ladies, so it’s very pink and shiny and glossy. But also when I was there it must have been top surgery consult day because everyone waiting was trans men/non-binary people. And I was also I think the oldest person in the waiting room, besides maybe the parents of one of the patients. So I felt old and like oh god I’ve lived with my body this way for so long and I dunno. I get old trans person regret sometimes for not transitioning sooner. BUT that is all gonna change.

I made an Instagram story about getting my surgery date later and I just noticed I was so ridiculously happy. Not ridiculous maybe. Just genuinely happy and it’s nice to feel that. I’m really excited about how it’s going to change my life. Also a little sad about how it’s going to be to recover from it, but I’m sure that will be fine. My Mom is coming to look after me for the first two weeks, so that’s nice. Hopefully we don’t drive each other crazy. I think I’m gonna try and clear out the bedroom a bit because I will probably spend a lot of time in there.

I was standing in front of the mirror flexing because I guess I’m that kind of guy, and I can see the upper part of my pec flex, but not the lower part because it’s covered in chest tissue. So I’m curious to see what it will look like when my pec is more visible. I think I’m going to be really happy with it. I hope so anyway!

I had to read this LONG informed consent form for surgery that is like, all these things could go wrong, just so you know! And I mean for the most part I know all of that. I’m nervous but excited and even though I have been more ambivalent in the past, I have been very sure for a while now. I talked about it with my therapist because she kept trying to check if I was ambivalent and told me it was fine if I was. But honestly I’m really sure. It took me years to be sure but now that I am, I just want to get it done.

ALSO the great thing is that it is happening at a good time in my career when I can take these weeks off work and heal. And I’m gonna be ok! I have already started to get things for home. I got stairs for Posey to get on my bed, but she refuses to use them so I might sell them and just leave her on the floor. She usually sleeps under my bed now anyway.

I’m way more serious about masking right now too, I don’t want to get COVID again from something ridiculous like taking public transit. So masks it is!

I also have to stop smoking weed, but they said oils and edibles was fine. It’s just something about the combustion in cigarettes and marijuana that I have to watch out for. So today I cashed in my American dollars for Canadian dollars and bought some THC Oil, and a THC Chocolate. I don’t know, I’ve never been super into edibles. I kind of hate how long they last. With a joint you know your trip will be over in an hour, but with edibles it could go for hours and hours! So I’m suspicious of them. I have these super strong gummies and I ate a corner of one and was still high way in the middle of the night so yeah I hate that ha ha. I have all this dried flower that I can’t use until October, which is too bad! Also a friend is growing me a plant, all this to say that in October I will have a lot to be smoking with my new chest that will finally be healed.

I am really happy that it’s finally happening. I’ve wanted this for so long! Even when I didn’t really know I wanted it, I kind of did. Like it was just always in my mind like wow I would love to have a chest that doesn’t get sexualized the way a chest with bigger breast tissue gets sexualized. I just want to walk around in shorts. I want to lay flat on my stomach and not feel like I’m squishing myself. And mostly though I want to see myself more accurately reflected in the mirror.

I think I’m gonna look super hot! Ha ha omg I told this friend I wanted to transition so I would get hotter and he said that was a terrible reason ha ha. BUT OMG I know it’s deeper than that, but if looking like a sexy guy is a byproduct of my transition then I am super happy with that.

Yelling and Nail Polish

Yesterday I was headed to the gym when this homeless guy across the street started yelling at me. I think he was angry I was transgender, but it was hard to tell because I was listening to a soothing song on my AirPods the whole time this was happening and I didn’t really feel like turning the music down and listening to whatever bullshit he was trying to say. He could also have been angry I was wearing a mask, who knows! What’s his problem!? Anyway the streetcar was coming pretty quick so I wasn’t too worried. And he was gone when I was coming home.

I am curious about how people are gendering me if they don’t know me. I know this one question baby trans people ask where they go to strangers and want to know if they see them as a woman or a man and I vowed to myself I would never ask someone that question. Because on one hand I kind of don’t care, and on the other hand it seems to open up a whole bunch of new trans insecurities that I’m not interested in. And also it makes whoever you are asking feel weird because suddenly it’s like “DO I PASS?” and they don’t even know which way you are headed. Anyway, I am curious if strangers see me more as a man now although I don’t want to ask that question of them.

I did get called sir this morning when I did my laundry after talking to one of my neighbours. And he and I haven’t had a lot of contact to my knowledge so I don’t know if he knows who I am. I was wearing a shirt with no bra, and a packer. And we exchanged some words (not mean words) and so he could hear my voice. So then I wonder what combo of traits he picked up on to call me sir. My shaved head? My voice? My dick? I don’t know. It was nice though.

Anyway if I wasn’t getting surgery this summer (hopefully) I would be trying to get my nails done because I feel like I want that again. But anesthesiologists need to see your nails so they know if something is going wrong, so no nail polish for a while still. I mean I could get it and then get it taken off but ughhhh no I’m too lazy for that. It is interesting though to transition and notice what feminine qualities I still have. Like, I’m bisexual but honestly I think I’m pretty faggy. And to be totally honest even when I was a butch dyke I felt more like a fag. And I like dick so that kind of makes it make sense. Even my therapist asked if I was feeling more faggy these days, because last year when I decided to transition I was saying I might be more interested in men. But also there’s some pretty femme gay stuff going on for me. Like the way I move around and stuff, and even though I know I’m supposed to learn to speak in a lower pitch I kind of still have a queeny voice when I’m excited. I think also though I have just spent so many years not caring about gender norms because I was a butch dyke, that being kind of a femme fag is also sort of sensible for me. I know there’s femme trans men though who are WAY more femme than me. But whatever it’s a spectrum, and even though I have some feminine traits I still feel like a dude.

Gender endlessly fascinates me.

I’m wearing my packer again, I had a long period of not really caring. And now it’s not so much that I care, more that I’m just going through one of my dick periods I guess, when it’s nice to feel something there. Most of the time I’ve been on T I haven’t been packing. So I don’t know what changed now.

Sometimes I think it’s just trying to add more things that help people gender me as a man. I know I can just tell people what I am, but it would be nice for more people to get it right when they first meet me without me having to explain. I stopped doing my nails so I would have less obvious “woman” signifiers, but really now I think I’ve tipped into masculine appearing enough to be able to fuck it up with nail polish. Because there are tons of pretty goth boys out there with nail polish and stuff.

I need to wear hats more. I totally got sunburned on my scalp this past week. It was too much sun! My hubris from my years with hair has ruined me!

I bought a Nutribullet with my GST money and have been making smoothies with protein powder, which has been fun. I would love to make more, I should get groceries.

Anyway I hope that homeless guy doesn’t become a regular on the street here, because I hate getting yelled at even if I can turn the music up and not hear their bigotry.


My life is so weird. I’m temporarily extremely poor, AND YET I did manage to pay all my bills, my rent, my CRA payment, and buy groceries. So I’m really not in terrible shape. My credit card debt is sad though so I would like to fix that. I am just gonna have to keep throwing cash at it until I can get a big chunk of money to pay it off. I hate being an adult. I have almost $5000 in my RSP, but I am gonna have to take out $3500 of that to pay for the part of my top surgery that doesn’t get covered by OHIP. It’s fine. I mean, I guess I could have a gofundme for that cost and maybe people would want to support it, but also I hate asking for money. Which is also hilarious because being a filmmaker means constantly asking places and people for money.

I think one of my local film fests got tired of me being naked in my videos because they definitely aren’t programming my naked videos anymore. I didn’t realize trans tits were still shocking but I guess they are. Or maybe they are just tired of that, who knows! I actually don’t know if they won’t program this one video this year because they haven’t decided yet, but also it’s got a play piercing scene in it (for art reasons) so I’m pretty sure they will pass on it. That video has been popular other places though, so it’s fine. I just find it curious to watch how festivals continue or discontinue being interested in me.

My top surgery consultation is coming up and I am SUPER excited about it! I have a ride to get there even which is nice, because I think it’s an hour and a half on public transit to get to Mississauga and I will need to pee after an hour probably so that’s anxiety inducing. There needs to be way more public bathrooms in the world. And not those European bathrooms that extort you out of 50 euro cents at your most vulnerable time! Pay toilets are the worst. I found a pay toilet at the bathroom at Burger King in Vienna which is even more egregious because come on, people eat your food and you won’t let them poop for free? COME ON!

Anyway enough of that.

I am poor right now, but I could get paid for something or another at any minute and not be so worried. Plus I know I have $3000+ coming at the end of this month, so I can’t really complain like I am gonna be poor forever. PLUS I might get a big payment if a certain government organization gets extra money to give to me. So really I can’t predict my bank accounts future. If I did get the big payment I could pay off my credit card debt in a day. So like, that is decent. I will live! Or I will be poor for a while longer until the universe decides to pay me for all the work I’ve done in the last eight years or whatever.

I don’t think being poor is noble, it just sucks. I definitely wouldn’t take a vow of poverty, although I don’t have priest aspirations anyway so it’s unlikely that would come up. My Grandpa was a Minister and one time him and Grandma won an RV in a raffle and even though Grandma never took a vow of poverty, she lived her life like she had and was totally mortified that they won this prize. I think they sold it back to the dealer. They definitely didn’t bring the RV home.

I ordered some things from Amazon so also I can’t really complain about the system today I guess. And I DO have groceries in my kitchen like I am not starving like when I was living in Strathcona and spending my last dollars on weed. I do not spend money on weed if I am SUPER POOR anymore which I think is a good change. I’d much rather eat and have somewhere to live. ALSO to be honest I think I have to cancel my personal trainer soon, partially because it’s too much out of my budget but also because I am getting surgery hopefully next month or so and I won’t have a use for the trainer for several weeks with my lil t rex top surgery arms.

I started the process of changing my name, but didn’t anticipate that I needed a long form birth certificate, so now I am ordering that. Which will be four to six weeks. And then people online were saying Ontario was taking four months to process the name change forms. SUCH A LONG TIME! I do think my old name was kinda rad, but it doesn’t fit me anymore and I like Theo Jean Cuthand way better. With Jean pronounced like the French dude way. But I guess that can get misheard as John, kinda funny. I hope changing the rest of my ID isn’t a pain in the ass. I was gonna change my gender marker, but someone told me they knew a trans man who had to do a prostate exam because his gender marker was changed and suddenly the health care system where he was switched up his care like he was a cis man. So yeah… I still want to be able to get PAP test reminders.

I have been sexually active again, this honestly doesn’t happen as frequently as I would like. But anyway, he flushed the condom down the toilet and I got all worried about the plumbing because I’m pretty sure that’s a NO. But then also he came a lot in the condom and I was wondering if he wanted to flush it because he was worried I would fish the condom out of the garbage can and try to get pregnant. I don’t know, it was a lot to think about and I’m still not sure how to word stuff to sexual partners but he probably SHOULDN’T keep flushing condoms. And he doesn’t have to worry about me trying to get pregnant because I am getting a salpingectomy this fall and definitely NOT able or interested in having a baby. BUT ALSO we’ve only hooked up twice and haven’t had big conversations about stuff like this. STILL I would like to see him again and have the condom disposed of properly. So I should probably say something. I’m really still unused to having sex with sperm producing partners. Ha ha I probably sound so weird right now.

My therapist is pleased with me not being so STUCK in the love department, because I was really like determined to have a specific kind of relationship with a specific kind of person, and now that kind of all went out the window and I’m open to many different types of people. It’s been really nice. I’ve gotten more in touch with finding masculinity attractive. BUT also still liking many types of people. Like, I still desire femmes and women and non-binary people. I’m just not so driven in that concept of needing to marry a Femme and spend the rest of my life with her. Now I don’t even know if I want to get married, and I could date any gender and fall in love with any gender. It’s nice. I deleted my Tinder because it was keeping me in the Lesbian section after I changed my gender to trans man, and now I restarted with a new profile with my new name and my gender and the matches are way better. A lot more gay men, not really any lesbians. Some straight women. I don’t know how successful I will be, so far I haven’t matched with any cis women, but that’s ok. I didn’t really know how to set myself up on there, but I appear in searches for men so I suppose that is what counts.

I only have a few more weeks of being able to fuck around before I am benched with my titless chest while it heals. So I suppose I should try to be more sexually active while I can. Also though sometimes I’m honestly just fine getting off by myself. It’s gotten convenient again since I’m back to working from home where porn and toys is in easy reach. I wonder if the pandemic ruined me.

The Flaherty Seminar

I just spent the last week presenting my work at the Flaherty Seminar. They have this whole thing about no preconceptions, so the featured artists have to keep it quiet until after their films screen. BUT ALSO I guess I didn’t really do much research into a typical Flaherty Seminar because afterwards I found out it has a mega reputation for being kind of antagonistic to filmmakers in discussions. I think if I had known that I would have been more apprehensive but lucky me I was totally ignorant of the Flaherty Seminar’s history. BUT ALSO I actually had a really good time at the Flaherty. People responded positively to my work, and there were a ton of interesting conversations happening and also really strong films. So it was a good experience for me. It is pretty gruelling though, there’s three screenings a day and three discussions and a happy hour and you all go to the Skidmore cafeteria for breakfast lunch and dinner.

I was SO EXHAUSTED by the end of it, I didn’t even really have time to jack off which is hilarious for me because I’m so used to working from home and having orgasms multiple times a day. And there were cuties at the seminar and also a lot of them were queer because it was the Queer World-Mending seminar. So tons of queer artists. But I honestly couldn’t even get off by myself, never mind bringing someone else into bed with me. Which was also fine honestly because I was sleeping in a little dorm bed.

I feel like I should do a more exhaustive review of the Flaherty Seminar so that anyone coming by here would be impressed by my intellectual exercises about it, but honestly I am still trying to catch up on rest and finally relax.

After the Seminar, I went to the Hessel Museum at Bard College for the Indian Theater exhibition which I am screening four videos in. It seemed to go well. I did kind of miss the Seminar tho, just because no one deadnamed me or called me by the wrong pronouns there, and at Indian Theater people kept messing it up or not registering that I am a dude. Which just gets further exhausting because I’m still not used to asserting my gender and also because cis people get really offended when people assert their gender. I mean not always, but it kinda pisses some people off and it’s just annoying for me to deal with that. But also I met this sweet elder there who is kind of a big deal so she gets a pass for not always getting it because she was genuinely trying.

I had a good time though at all the events. I got to see some old friends and meet new friends and think about a lot of stuff. And see a lot of art. And now I am trying to get my name changed so my ID is gonna take a while to get sorted out, so this is probably my last international trip for a little while. I really hope I can get the name change form in soon because I’m stuck in Canada until it’s all done.

There were some other things that happened on my trip, but I’m not gonna tell you all of it. It was a special time for me though, something I am definitely going to remember.

Carmilla the Lonely Video Game IS DONE!

I finished making my game! I am giving it to playtesters right now and waiting for feedback. I had to troubleshoot how a Mac user would play it, so that was a whole thing (and I still haven’t heard from my mac friends if they could get it to run!) so we’ll see! Mac computers are suspicious of anything that doesn’t come through their app store, so you have to go through this whole rigamarole to be able to open apps made with things like Unity. But it’s done!

Here is a trailer of the game with some highlights!

I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I’m still not entirely happy with the diner art dec tho, I think I might swap the wallpaper out for something else. But white walls ALSO seems too simple. So I dunno! I really like the street level though and also the dungeon. The last level, the maze in the graveyard, is also pretty cute. I tried to give the timer some leeway so people trying to leave had time to figure out the area, but I might make it harder. I can see some things that could use fixing but also I wanted playtesters to have something to work with so I know more about what to fix.

I’m not sure what to do now! This has been my main creative project for the past several months and now it’s just, almost ready to release to the world! I have stuff to do on it still but I’m not great at marketing plans or anything. If I had more cash maybe I could hire a publicist. But funds are tight right now and I also have to pay CRA a chunk of money on Saturday. I posted this video on all my socials (except Bluesky) so hopefully it gets a bit of traction. I didn’t get a good video of the conversation tho, which kinda sucks because some of that is intriguing. I just clicked through too fast when recording. But yeah it’s done basically! I learned so much on this project, my game development skills really elevated! It’s only my second video game ever. And I already have an idea for my next video game! So I’m definitely going to continue improving on these skills. I was thinking the next game would be more like a series of puzzles to solve, so now I have to work out what that would look like. Also I did a dialogue system in this game, and also wrote that part using Twine so that was also fun.

Also there’s a ton of queer people in this game, so it’s kinda cool that it’s coming out during Pride month. Well it probably won’t get released this month though because I have more to do when I get feedback on it. BUT I would still say it’s birthday is this month! It’s a Gemini ha ha ha.

I will continue to update here about any other releases, like when you can finally buy it!